View Full Version : Health Anxiety is going down for now

19-03-13, 21:47
I am going to be paying more attention to enjoy life, living healthly as I can and don't annoy any worrying symptoms, with self exams sensible instead of every three minutes.

I am trying not get worked up so much about worrying to health, I have wasted a lot of time worrying in the last 6 month about this pain, symptom etc. going to the doctors a lot of times (my Dad joked last night as he took me to my appointment, season ticket at the doctors for me as I know all doctors in the practise) I am surprise my blood pressure is normal.

I will never annoy symptoms and prefer speaking to a doctor as I have always done than using Dr Google in the past as I will probably find something new to worry about with about 40 million conditions out there what could be wrong with my body if I come across something in the newspaper or on the Internet.

Its also goodbye to internet searches about the c word etc, reading about articles in newspaper for me and listening to radio and tv ads, as it adds to my anxiety its going to be listening to the doctor and dentist etc if I noticed something worrying.

At one point my parents through I had SAD (Seasonal affective disorder).

I did have one of my NF lumps looked at by doctor a couple of weeks ago and his says it fine, but can have it removed if it bothering me.

19-03-13, 21:50
Good for you, a positive attitude is always best.
You can do it, good luck :hugs:

19-03-13, 21:57
Love this post, hope one day I myself will come to the same conclusions.

Wishing you all the best xx