View Full Version : worried

13-09-06, 15:52

Am having a really bad day today. feel like I can't cope much longer.
Been feeling really panicky all day. Been hyperventalating nearly all day and have had loads of palpitations and those rotten missed beats. I'me sure they will be the end of me sooner or later i just can't cope with them. The more i panic the worse they seem to get although for now they seem to have gone. Been having them for about six months now and i am still here but i think they must be causing me terrible harm.
They are so nasty. I know they are a really common symptom of anxiety and the more we worry about a symptom the worse it can be and it becomes a viscious circle but i suppose i just need some reassurance from you all. Please help.
Love Rosebudxxx

13-09-06, 17:32
hiya rosebud, i dont think they are causing any harm so you dont need to worry. if you cant stop worrying why not drop by your doctors? afterall he is professional in this, and would be able to tell you if you are in any harm.
your mind can be put to res then. if you want anyone to talk to, Pm me
shell xxx

13-09-06, 21:13
Try these 2 posts

Been to doc's about ectopics (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8316)
Heart Results - ectopics and dizzyness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8474)
