View Full Version : Seeing cardiologist tomorrow, im a mess, help!!!

19-03-13, 22:52
Can anyone offer any reassurance as im absolutely terrified and have no idea what to expect at a cardiology appointment :( HEEEELP!!!!

19-03-13, 22:59
Oh I am so not good with any kind of Doc appointments, so I understand how you feel. Try to concentrate on how great you are going to feel when you get out of there, and know that you are alright. It is so good to get checked, and know. Try to get a list together of everything you are feeling, so you are prepared (so many times I go, and I am like man I forgot to say this happens) and try to remember this, they are there to help you, not hurt you. I bet you are going to do great. Good luck, and let us know how it went. :hugs:

Daisy Sue
19-03-13, 23:28
Hiya.. I went for a cardio consultant appointment just last week, my first one ever (hopefully my last one too). The consultant was wonderful, very reassuring.. he listened to all my worries, my symptoms, gave me a really thorough examination plus an ECG, and totally reassured me that my heart is fine, despite the fact I have palpitations and the occasional episode of ectopics.

He did say that my descriptions of the episodes, and how I felt/thought at the time were very helpful to him, to point his diagnosis in the right direction, so maybe have a think about this beforehand & make mental notes about what sets your symptoms off, how they feel physically & mentally to you.

And most importantly, don't worry about the appointment! The consultant is there to help you, and they see hundreds of worried patients every year - part of their job is reassurance, not just diagnosis and treatment.


20-03-13, 00:13

Sorry that you're so worried about this appointment. I can really relate to what you are going through. I too had an appointment with a cardiologist a few months ago and the 2 days prior to my appointment I was a right mess. I don't know why I was so worked up really as if there was something wrong I was going to be in the right place. I think for me anyway I was been very irrational thinking I might die before I make it to my appointment which is just ridiculous really.
You have nothing to worry about. Its good that you are getting this appointment and you will get some tests more than likely.
When I went I did a stress test which basically is just walking/running on a threadmill. This freaked me out a bit as I was scared of getting my heart beating fast but I did it anyway and all was fine. Think you should try to exert yourself as much as you can as they will get a good reading then.
I also had an echo done of my heart which was much more relaxing. Just an ultrasound of the heart basically, just takes a few mins and thats that.
You really have no need to worry, you have got this far, you will get to the appointment and you will be examined and you will be all the better for it.