View Full Version : Struggling on Citalapram

13-09-06, 18:01
hi there,

I have been taking Citalopram for 2 days now, I take them at 8pm as it makes me feel better that I am going to sleep soon afterwards.

I was a bit panicy after taking the first one as I was worried what they would do to me but when I woke up in the morning I was fine.

Today though after the 2nd tablet I have been feeling unually anxious, even in the house which is my safe place and where I hardly ever freak out! I had to get my dad to come and sit with me while I 'rode it through' when it was really bad. I kept thinking something would happen to me in the house I felt so panicy.

Has anyone else also felt like this? I am aware that it might get worse before it gets better but I need some re-assureance that it will, don't wanna feel panicy like this for nothing!! I have got to take 20mg from Monday.

I just feel so out of control of the panic when it comes :(

Will it be worth it - any advise gratefully recieved!

Thanks as always!


13-09-06, 18:06
Hi Cynthia

I have been taking Citalopram on and off for around 8 years now. I usually find the first few days my anxiety is worse but im positive it will calm down. It usually takes around 3 to 4 weeks until you start to feel alot better. I always take 10mg for a couple of weeks then up it to 20mg, that way i tend not to get any side affects.

Stick with them !

Hope that helps



13-09-06, 18:07
hi cyn
yes its def worth it, i am on cit 12 wks now, the first wk i was on the ceiling with anxiety and ready to pack them in, sooo glad i rode it out, they didnt start working fully for me until 6-7 wks in, but others a week, so dont despair, the sides wear off after a couple of wks also, they WILL work, give them time, i thought in the beginning that they were making me worse i was bck and to to the docs.
pm me if your struggling, anytime
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

13-09-06, 21:16
Absolutely worth the first few weeks of 'living hell' !! [^][^][^]

Hang on in there!

Lotsa Luv

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

13-09-06, 21:21
Hi Cyn,

I'm now on day 7 with Citalopram and its getting heavy. I felt more nervous during the first few days and had a few attacks. I'm still waiting for the side effects to wear off. Relaxing is a problem, need to try some breathing techniques. My sleep pattern is also erratic, due to insomnia.

Juju and Honeybee, can you please try to descibe how things improved for you as the side effects wore off. Also I would like to know what benefits you have gained in your lives from this medication since it has started to work.

Best Wishes,

13-09-06, 22:12
Hi - I am into my 6th week of the tablets and it took over 4 weeks for them to kick in with me. I didn't want them and refused to take them for a month until I thought oh what the hell - they can't possibly make my life worse..

I am now on 20mg but when I started on the 10mg for the first couple of evenings I had to have my partner with me cos' I felt spaced out, everything would swirl around.. I thought I could see people. Total wacko.

I have only had 3 panic attacks in the last 4 weeks which is amazing as I was on several a day. And they all happened after I pushed myself to break out of my self-imposed barriers.

I have tummy ache alot and the odd painful headache and occasional problems sleeping but I can live with that for now

Please try to keep with it... give it time. I know everyone says it but all tablets take time to work. But they can help your broken head.

Keep us updated won't you? They have different effects on different people but it helps to know that it is part of the course.

14-09-06, 09:45
in reply, you sort of gradually notice little changes, as in the sides diminish, i personally felt calmer gradually, and a feeling of seeing things so much clearer for what they really are. i think what they do is give you the strength to cope, i felt more confident cos i was thinking clearer and able to make changes myself, i havent had a p/a in 6-7 weeks now, you still have off days, their not a magic cure, but they def straighten out the chemicals in the brain. dont be alarmed if you have-
chills in the head, or electric charge feeling, this is normal, it wont harm you, i had all sorts of sensations, in the first couple of days also a great anger, suicidal thoughts (which i have never, never had) depressed but i wasnt depressed to start, dont mean to scare you but i would rather you know so that you dont worry should you feel like this, it doesnt last long, go with it, and it was always the side effects.
my life has gotten so much better with these tabs, i am 80% my old self again.
hang in there

we are all stronger people after having this

15-09-06, 22:29
I have been on citralopram since April and have found it wonderful, its helped me so much. I started on 20 mg and was fine and i had a bit of a relapse and went up to 30 mg and im steady on that now. It takes a couple of weeks for your body to get used to it and to start to work but its worth it.

Hope your feeling better soon

Carolyn x

Two heads
15-09-06, 23:08
Hi cynthia!
I have been on citalopram since march and i have found it a god send.I still have the odd couple of days when i feel anxiety, but im def calmer.
I must admit i do find i get what i call electric shock feelings in my head sometimes,almost like the nerves are frighting.But apart from that i would say def stick wtih it!xxx

17-09-06, 21:55
Hi there - i have been struggling for two weeks now and there is no improvement. I am not sure I am going to continue any more with it. I didn't feel this bad before I started them. My head is hurting, my eyes are hurting, feeling anxious, sick, shaky, sweating - to name but a few! Well done to everyone who persevered but i am not sure I can!


18-09-06, 14:19
SSRI's like Citalopram are mood altering drugs so in order to do its job it can make you feel a bit wierd as you settle on them . It takes about 4-6 weeks to kick in and up to 12 weeks to work to the full potential.

If it really doesn't suit you and you feel crap for weeks on end , then say so and get it changed to another one, its not a one size fits all drug and you are taking it to feel better not worse . Weaning up the dose does help some people adjust .


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

18-09-06, 16:16
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there - i have been struggling for two weeks now and there is no improvement. I am not sure I am going to continue any more with it. I didn't feel this bad before I started them. My head is hurting, my eyes are hurting, feeling anxious, sick, shaky, sweating - to name but a few! Well done to everyone who persevered but i am not sure I can!


<div align="right">Originally posted by NicolaCurrie - 17 September 2006 : 22:55:04</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hello Nicola - when is your next appointment with the Dr and what dose have they stuck you on?

Meg is right there are other options so don't worry about that aspect. Something will work for you - it is just a pain trying to find the help.

19-09-06, 16:19
Thanks for your support. I spoke to the doc and we have decided to stop at present. I am now on day two with no drugs. I have noticed a massive difference already. Still don't feel well but don't have the terror i had with the drugs. i am really going to try with exercise, relaxation and graded exposure. I am a bit scared but really believe it is the way forward. What a great site this is! Thanks to everyone for their support.


21-03-16, 22:07
Stop taking them, or use Xanax as well to start with. I can't cope with any of them. They make me really ill. Nice you have a father who will help you.

21-03-16, 22:16
Thinking about doing the same as you Nicola. I'm in week two and my anxiety is through the roof! I never had this response to it before (had a break for 6 months), and though I am told it is normal, it is pretty awful. Now looking into other methods, e.g. mindfulness.