View Full Version : Gastroenterologist?

20-03-13, 09:48
My gp sending me to a gastroenterologist now. My liver function test was high and I had further bloods done which were ok and a scan of my liver, spleen, gallbladder and kidneys were ok. He said the only other thing left to do is a gastroenterologist. Has anyone seen one before and if so what do they check and do?
I feel so ill, extreme fatigue, no appetite, loose bowels, night sweats, nausea and brain fog and he said to up my fluoxetine to 40mg and referring me to a councillor.
I am going to be even more worried now waiting months to see this specialist.

20-03-13, 10:22
I went to see one and we just had a talk about my symptoms and he referred me on for a gastroscopy - where they send a camera down throat into your stomach. The meeting with the gastroenterologist was fine and quite short. You have a lot of the same symptoms as me and I'm hoping to get another appointment with the gastroenterologist and hopefully get a colonoscopy to find out if anything is going on with my bowel.

Don't worry yourself about the meeting. I would say what will happen is that you may be referred on for either a gastroscopy or a colonoscopy, but in both cases it will be just to double check that nothing is wrong rather than actually looking for anything much. If they find anything they can deal with it, so don't worry. I was terrified of bowel cancer, but after reading a bit about it, if they find anything when they do a colonoscopy, they will whip it off right then and there. Bowel cancer doesn't usually have any symptoms anyway, so the fact that you're feeling unwell probably means you don't have bowel cancer.

In the meantime definitely try and see a counselor. All of your symptoms could easily be caused by anxiety and you can get help for that. I understand why you're worried, but tell yourself that worrying isn't going to make your symptoms any better, in fact it'll just make them worse. YOu could try the modules on this website and see if that helps you feel better http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

Carly Lou
20-03-13, 10:35
I replied to your post you did to me Zippy... i know how you feel, ive felt horrendously poorly for so long now... its apparently being run down and stressing myself out... feeling unwell is whats stressing me out !!!

20-03-13, 14:21
I've been to see one and they were very helpful. Don't worry about it, they're just another doctor it's just that they specialise in this particular area, so they'll be much more able to help you than your GP. It's a good thing, I don't know why they haven't sent you to one already. They will ask you about your symptoms and maybe set up some tests to help figure out the source of your problems.

You really need to work on bringing your stress levels down a bit. If you do this it will help your symptoms too. You're automatically setting yourself up for more worry by preparing yourself to be more worried during this waiting period - try to be aware of your language and your thought patterns. This website (recommended by my doctor) is a free online course of CBT, it will help you begin to look at how you're thinking about things: https://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome

It's great that you will see a counsellor now, but what else are you doing for your anxiety?

20-03-13, 14:49
Thanks honeylove,I am not worried about seeing one just worried about how ill I feel and what they find. I had an endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy a few years ago and all they found was mild gastritis and said ibs. I always think what if something else has developed since because I feel so ill.

20-03-13, 15:19
I think that it's the "what if" that's your biggest problem at the moment Zippy, that way of thinking will always have you feeling worried and preparing for the worst!

Have a look at the CBT website I posted above, it will help you adress the "what if" thinking. I know it can be hard to change, but it's essential.

20-03-13, 15:33
I know I think it's one thing and then when that gets checked I think well it must be this then.
It's just hard to be positive when you feel so ill. The extreme fatigue, nausea and diarrhoea that's worrying me.
I will have a look at the website thanks.

20-03-13, 16:18
Nausea, fatigue and diarrhoea are all symptoms of anxiety Zippy, so it's good that you get everything checked out but you also need to make sure that you're not making these things worse with worrying.

An important part of recovery from anxiety is learning to destress and make ourselves happy no matter what our situation or how bad we're feeling. There is lots that you can do right now to help yourself, even though you're feeling bad. It's essential.

20-03-13, 16:33
I do try and destress but it's very hard because I have no energy at all, my eyes and head feel tired and heavy too. I went to the supermarket at dinner time and I just felt ill. I have never felt fatigue like this ever and I have had health anxiety a few times over the years.

20-03-13, 16:45
Well, lots of destressing doesn't involve using much energy at all :) It can be very hard for us anxiety sufferers to learn to relax at first, but it is possible.

It can be as simple as listening to a relaxation CD once a day, or doing a 10/15 minute meditation twice a day.

You can even just sit in a quiet place for a few moments and focus on your breathing, breathe in for 7 counts and out for 11 counts, do this for a few minutes every day. You'll be amazed how much this can help you.

Start small and build on it.

Learn a little about anxiety and stress and how they affect you, what you can do about it.

What is your diet like? And how is your sleep?

20-03-13, 17:08
My diet is ok but I haven't any appetite the last few months. My sleep isn't too good, I get to sleep but wake up about 5 o clock usually sweating, sometimes I go back to sleep or toss and turn.
The fatigue I am feeling isn't like normal tiredness that you feel with lack of sleep etc its overwhelming.

20-03-13, 17:18
I've been through the overwhelming fatigue too, there were times I felt I couldn't go on any longer that surely something terrible must be wrong with me. I thought I would collapse from the exhaustion. But I never did, I learned I could keep going even at my worst.

Take some of the steps I wrote above, it will help you. Trust your doctors, they have your best interests at heart.