View Full Version : Ouch....that hurt Mr Manager

20-03-13, 17:13
So had my return to work meeting today. Occupational health were not as helpful as I would have expected. I was diagnoised within ten seconds(oh you have work related stress) and no discussion or interest regariding my GPs professional opinion. Although signed off for another week, I was infromed I could go back Monday. All this from very little infromation from me. Then I had to listen to the Occupational health infroming me of her stress ect.

Meeting with Manager. OUCH this hurts.
Did not agree with a phased return to work over a 3 week period.
Asked if this was the right job for me.
Then informed- we are very short staff, I apologise, and my Manager says "thats OK".:shrug:
No recognition of pervious hard work, extra long hours, achievements.

So I have my first ever blip and now I feel I am being labeled that I can't cope.
Mixed feelings.:weep:

20-03-13, 17:19
Don't let it get you down everyone has times (unless they are extremely lucky) where we need a bit of help and support. Mr Manager should listen to you, I would check your employment rights and see what it says.

20-03-13, 17:46
If you are in a union I would speak to your union rep x

20-03-13, 17:59
Agree with both of the above posts.

Don't be 'bullied' into going back until you are ready to. It's that old emotional blackmail thing to make you feel guilty. Very unfair and will certainly have a negative effect on your stress levels.

Chin up :hugs: Kitti x

20-03-13, 18:00
Anxiety comes under the 2010 equalities act so your employer needs to be careful and showing you more support.

20-03-13, 21:38
thanks guys, I feel rather low and unappreciated.

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ----------

Anxiety comes under the 2010 equalities act so your employer needs to be careful and showing you more support.

their saying its work related stress so not sure that applies although my certs say Anxiety but of course its work related

20-03-13, 21:59
Your boss needs to be very very careful. If I were you I would get everything anyone says to you in writing. You need to make sure you document everything. When your boss says anything to you in a meeting, write it all out and send it back to him and him to confirm everything that was said. I would not go to a meeting with any of these people by yourself. Always take a support person. This is just in case you need evidence later. Rest assured your workplace will be doing the same thing to you! It is not fair of him to talk to you like that - he is in the wrong. Make sure you protect yourself. Discuss with a lawyer so you know what your rights are and what you need to do to keep yourself safe. I'm saying this because I went through something nasty at work once and I wish I'd been given better advice and protected myself from the outset.

20-03-13, 22:02
If you are not in a union you can call ACAS for advise http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1461

21-03-13, 08:27
Bloody annoys me - how do employers get away with this?

Thinking of u