View Full Version : DVT prevention stockings damaged my legs???

20-03-13, 19:41
Hi all,

I was in hospital last week. They think I have some sort of circulation problem as my BP is so low and I keep getting bad ectopic beats making me dizzy.

The consultant told the nurses to measure me for compression stockings to wear to help boost blood flow. The nurse measured my legs and said they were medium. She went off to get the stockings and put them on me.

I had these on for 3/4 days. They felt ok whilst on, tight (obviously) but ok.

When I went home I went to take them off and noticed that they said 'Long' length instead of medium. I didnt think much of it and put them away.

Well, yesterday, I woke up with intense pain in both calves. If I even touch the calves it hurts. If i flex my toes it really hurts. When I walk it is very painful and when I walk down stairs it is almost unbearable! i was very scared it was a dvt and went to a+e. They did a d-dimer blood test for clots and it was negative.

Today the pain is still there, and my feet keep getting pins and needles. I went to the local walk in GP based centre (too late to ring GP) and he didnt even touch my legs. He listened to what I said and said 'The stockings have caused this pain, they have probably compressed the nerves'. He told me to stop wearing them and off I went.

Well, I am worried it is more serious. I have read about something called compartment syndrome and its really serious - I also wondered if theyve squashed the arteries in my legs. Im so scared. Its been two days now and Im freaking out that something is really wrong. Im going to try to get in to see my GP tomorrow morning, but I know he'll just say its nothing and my anxiety is making it worse. The pain IS SO BAD!!!!

Does anyone know what this could be? I have been lying down for 3 days in hospital with the stockings on and no problems. When I got home I took them off and increased my activity (not by much, just general housework etc). 1 day after getting back from hospital, the pain began. Its in the back of each calf, upper outside, in middle.

Please if anyone's got any ideas!!

Charlotte x

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 17:48 ----------


20-03-13, 19:48
Hi Chl
I don't really know much about DVT but could it possibly be your muscles that are aching? Maybe as you didn't use your leg muscles in hospital and then come home and use them I imagine that would cause pain.
I would see your doctor even if its just to put your mind at rest
I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

20-03-13, 19:52
i would go back to your gp and have then take a look at your legs again. to put your mind at rest