View Full Version : New to this site

13-09-06, 20:09
I found this site by searching for help remedies on the web, this is my2nd time this year of having anxiety acts. i always thought i was a strong person but since having an illness that took doctors over a year to diagnose i became obsessed with the thought that i had motor neurons disease as i could not feel my legs and was having muscle spasms and could not sleep. I never realised how disruptive anxiety could be to my life especially for my first year at university. I was so embarrassed about my obsession with my health that i could not explain to anyone how i was feeling apart from my G.P, so this site is a breath of fresh air to know that im not alone


13-09-06, 20:13
hiya lisa

definitely not alone


13-09-06, 20:22
hiya lisa.
Yes, anxiety can be very disruptive. health can become a full time job, looking out for new things all the time!
Lucky for you, you just found a fab site! look forward to lots of reassurance from these guys!
Welcome aboard lisa.
Becci x

13-09-06, 20:41
Thanks for the welcome and the reassurance that im not alone


13-09-06, 21:11
Hi Lisa,

A big warm welcome to you. You are not alone and we are all here to help each other.

Take Care


13-09-06, 21:13
Welcome aboard Lisa and lovely to see you here.
