View Full Version : chest pains..

20-03-13, 20:01
Hiya, does anybody get sharpe pains in there chest? i have this pain the left side, it can be in the side of my breast on above, its only when i move its like a stabbing pain, i have had this before, and i get it in the middle bottom of my chest too, today i have been decorating,, im always so worried about my heart :(

20-03-13, 20:13
Hi Lillysmum
I get pains like that all the time, Doctor told me it is to do with the diaphragm which has nerve endings in the shoulders and chest, mine is usually caused by wind.
If it worried you I would go see your doctor.

20-03-13, 20:24
thanks for the reply, ive been to the doctors and a&e so many times for chest pains, ive had ecgs, chest xrays, blood tests to lot lol still so worried.

20-03-13, 20:31
your welcome, I know how worrying it is. I just ignore them now, if they get bad I drink something fizzy and they soon go away again lol :D

20-03-13, 21:48
Grrrrrr, I get them quite often, and they freak me out. :ohmy:

20-03-13, 21:52
Yes, I do as well.

20-03-13, 23:43
Yep! I get them. Sometimes I get a pain that sort of moves around my left side and is so painful I can't breathe properly, then it will just dissappear as quickly as it came. The doctor told me that if it hurts when you move it's probably nothing to worry about.

21-03-13, 07:54
i get them too. had a real sharp one in right breast yesterday!! i have to say to myself! dont panic! lol. last night when i turned over in bed it hurt too slightly, so its muscular. we have so many muscles around our chest x

21-03-13, 12:06
in the same boat!, chest burns on the inside, small pains and palps, dosn't do my worrying any good atall!