View Full Version : Driving

20-03-13, 20:44
I passed my test first time around twelve years ago. It took me about two years of driving, and lots of lessons to achieve this. Since the day of my test I have not got behind the wheel, I have totally lost my confidence and I think if I was meant to be a driver it wouldn't have taken me so long to have passed my test. I also know that I would be a danger on the roads because of my anxiety. I found the driving instuctor who taught me to drive on facebook, but I'm not sure if he's still teaching. I would ask him if he's still teaching, but I'm worried that he'll think I'm stupid for giving up driving, and that he wasted his time with me all those years ago. Also I'm very shy about asking him. So I'll more than likely forget about driving again.
Hope I make sense!!


20-03-13, 20:51
Hi Joanne :)
It makes sense don't worry. I would just ask the instructor, maybe he can give you some advice, he wont think he has wasted his time, He got paid after all :)
Being cautious and making sure you were ready for your test does not mean you are a bad driver, it just means you are sensible!

20-03-13, 21:31
I'm similar with driving. I used to drive when I first got my license, but I was also very nervous. I then had a minor accident and haven't got behind the wheel since. I feel like I would be a danger on the road and I couldn't cope if I hurt someone else. I am, however, wanting to get a small car that I can get confident in and run around town. I don't think I would ever feel comfortable driving in the city or on the motorway, but I'm sure I could get used to driving locally, which would be a huge help to my husband is who has to drive us everywhere!

I wouldn't worry about the instructor at all! They will love the fact that you want to come back for more - like Bekzie said, they get paid! Just be upfront about how you're feeling and if they're a good instructor they will help you build your confidence as well as your skills. Exciting! I really hope you do contact him!

01-04-13, 14:45
I contacted the driving instructor on facebook. He is still a driving instructor. He said he would help me to drive again. I really want to drive again, but it's been such a long time since I've driven a car, it scares me.

01-04-13, 19:07
That's excellent news Joanne!

Be honest about how nervous you are. He can only help if he understands the problem.

Good luck!

10-04-13, 23:26
I have booked a refresher driving lesson for the 20th of May, with the instructor I contacted on Facebook. Even thinking about the lesson has raised my anxiety levels. I dread to think what I'll be like nearer the time. Any advice given would be very much appreciated.

11-04-13, 12:07
Ok. I'm going to ask you one simple question - tell me everything that worries you about driving from getting behind the wheel to being on the road and other drivers etc etc etc, then I'll try and answer your fears.

I drive and it's my freedom, if I didn't have my car I'd find it difficult to get anywhere. I love it!

Anyway, get back to me asap.

And no, I'm not a driving instructor, I'm a sensible old duffer (51), but I'll try and help.

11-04-13, 15:49
Ok, where do I start about my fear of driving. I'm scared of driving on my own, because I've never driven on my own. I don't like roundabouts because of the speed of the cars coming towards you. You also get a lot of impatient drivers on the roads, who are also inconsiderate.

11-04-13, 17:23
Well, you will be scared of driving on your own if you've never done it. When I passed my test I was scared. I sat in the car on my own and started to drive down the road I lived in at the time and I thought "Oh heck, it's up to me to make the decisions on my own now." I just went up the road and back, but that's what you have to do. Start driving on your own on a quiet road then try something a bit busier.

As for roundabouts, once again go to one that's relatively quiet. Just concentrate on what you're doing, make sure it's safe for you to go then go. Sod the line of traffic behind you, and if you make a mistake and someone sounds their horn at you then - they sound their horn. Might be a little embarrassing for you, but it won't kill you.

As for impatient drivers, they're not your worry. Long as you try and do everything correct then that's all you have to think about.

My dad said to me the first day I started lessons with him "Remember, as far as you're concerned, every other driver on the road is an idiot except for you" so drive to keep yourself safe, not everyone else.

Oh and if it helps to tell other drivers you're not experienced why not invest in some green "P" plates. Other drivers will think you've just passed, they don't know how long ago it is. They'll know to be careful around you.

The only other way to be less nervous is to go out driving. Practice practice pratice. And go out with someone in the car with you, you'll be calmer and get used to the road so you'll be better when you're on your own as you'll have experienced the road conditions.

Driving for me is like breathing, I think I must do something like put my indicator on, I go to do it and I've already done it!!

I wish you well - once you're on the open road you'll love it

26-05-13, 16:57
I took the very big step and had a couple of refresher lessons last week. They were with the instructor who taught me 12 years ago. It's like going back 12 years, I was so anxious and nervous, I keep thinking that I'm never going to get used to driving again. The instructor keeps saying that I'm a really good driver, and how good it was that I passed my test first time with 2 minors. I think he is just saying this to boost my confidence. I feel such a rubbish driver and giving up on driving.
