View Full Version : Anyone else obsessed with there weight... to the point of crying after eating

Carly Lou
20-03-13, 22:10
I didnt know where to post this so im thinking this may be the right area...
So not only do i suffer from Health Anxiety I also am obsessed with my weight...
im 27 and 4"10... i weight 8 stone 12lbs... Im not obsese... but im just slightly chubby should we say for my height... i do have a tummy, if i pu weight on it on my hips & boobs and im obsessed by it... i eat and then i feel guilty that ive eaten something... i start googling seeing how many calories were in what id eaten... even tho i just want to loose 6 lbs... i cant do it... i start to think about my health anxiety and what if im dying... so i go and eat something fattening thinking its my last treat... i then look in the mirror and feel depressed and cry... the same cycle happens the next day.... so il take drastic action and starve myself... will loose quite a few pounds and will feel positive about myself... then start eating again... and the same situation happens again... i just dont know how to control myself on a proper diet... my partner thinks its absoloutly stupid... that he loves me the way i am... i start believing hat if i get a bit more chubby... he may leave me (even tho rationally i believe he wont) but then my anxiety starts up what if he did leave... then atleast i would loose weight and be thin... but unhappy...
i just dont know... i guess im just looking to see if anyone else gets upset when they eat? or does anyone have a any great healthy eating tips where i feel happy instead of living on lettace leaves and thinking my last meal before i die from something terrible would have been that...
i dont even think this makes any sense tbh...
i get upset about seeing thin girls on tv in magazines... to the point i cry about it...

thank you for reading... its a bit vague..

Carls xx

20-03-13, 22:18
Hi Carls,
Sorry to hear your worrying about this, I am very careful about what I eat now after reading about how bad salt and sugar are for us, I am a bit overweight anyway so its helping me take off the few extra pounds and isn't worrying me.
Don't try and starve yourself, it will just make you feel worse. I would wait until you are feeling a bit better before starting a diet or anything but eating a bit healthier, more balanced can help with your anxiety too.
Bex xx