View Full Version : Early Morning Attacks

14-09-06, 08:37
Hi everyone, I'm new here and I have been in tears having read some of your experiences. I know now that I am not the only person in the world experiencing this....[V]

I had been two years anxiety free when I had an attack last Sunday morning. I had everything going for me. I had moved into my new house four days before with my fantastic man and had just been accepted in to the police service in London - a lifelong dream. Then, out of the blue.....WHAM:(

I am distraught that this has happened now - and am so disappointed in myself.

I purchased a programme from the internet called 'Panic Away' and it seems to be full of sound advice - but I am struggling to see it through.

Since the latest attack, I have been constantly on edge and feeling incredibly sick and low. However, what I'm finding is that as the day goes on, I seem to get a bit better, apart from the occasional blip. By the evening, I feel like I am winning the battle so I go to bed feeling fairly happy and confident.

But, when I wake up in the morning, as soon as I open my eyes, I seem to get a rush of adrenaline, an increased heartrate and nasuea. Does anyone have any ideas how to combat this? I feel so powerless against it.

Oh, final question...I haven't eaten anything properly since Sunday morning (it's Thursday now) and I am very hungry...Trouble is, I have zero appetite for anything - and even if I did, as I feel so sick, I would be worried about vomitting. Can anyone relate?

Thanks to the mods for a well needed forum. x

14-09-06, 09:54
well done for being anxiety free for two years! sometimes these things happen as a one off, dont dwell on it, as for the morning thing, i used to heave i was that anxious, the way i tackled it was to relax into the feelings, and basically mind over matter, they do subside, i think its the shock of waking etc, when you feel the first spasm of fear/adrenalin, dont give it another second fear by thoughts, fearing it etc, let it wash over you if you can, do some breathing relaxation techniques, dont lie there thinking bout it, get yourself up and carry on, this all worked for me, hope this helps a bit, dont feel low, this is not a setback, well done for being accepted in to the police force, you should be so proud of yourself for accomplishing this, build on that, you must have lots of confidence.
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

14-09-06, 09:58
Hi Julie,

Thanks so much for replying to my post - I know you are right of course...and I am really trying to stay positive...


14-09-06, 13:32
Hi there

I have anxiety in the mornings worse (and just dropping off to sleep late at night) and when I'm anxious I can't eat or swallow either! It's horrible.

I'm working on my positive thinking - it really helps me to know I'm not alone and some of the advice on here has really helped me stay positive.

I'm still battling with acceptance and I'm relatively new to this! But I've heard (on here!) that setbacks can let us know how far we've come and to think of setbacks as temporary blips on the recovery road.

But what I really want to say is that I can really relate to how horrible it is, and want to tell you that you are not alone!

All the best

14-09-06, 13:35
Thanks Neebie, I appreciate the time you took to answer my post...I know I must try to view this as a blip, but in this mindset, it's nearly impossible to do so.

I must though, and I am really trying. Thanks again...


14-09-06, 13:42
I can relate completely to what you are describing. My anxiety is always at it's highest in the morning and I often think I'm going to be sick. My appetite isn't very good either and I sometimes struggle to eat but as the day goes on I calm down and find that the sick feeling goes. The one thing I can eat without feeling nausea is a banana! It's filling and as soon as I eat it my stomach calms down.

Doz x

14-09-06, 14:02
Hello Steve,

I too feel bad in the morning and just gradually recover during the day. I think its caused by the sub-concious thoughts coming to the fore whilst we are asleep.

Just do the best you can, and accept the anxiety.

I suspect the attacks have been brought on by your change in with the new house and job.

As for eating, just try little and often until your appetite rights itself, which it will.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-09-06, 10:11
I sometimes wake up in a panic-its a horrible feeling.I sumtimes find that goin to bed reciting positve thoughts help .You ahve a lot of changes goin on at the moment which you may have found unsettling but am sure you are gonna be fine.Dont give in just get mad and deny the panic!

22-09-06, 08:50
Hi there. I also find mornings my worst time. I wake up at 0500 every day at the moment and the anxiety starts to trickle in. I cant get back to sleep and by the time I have to get up I am feeling very anxious and shaky, breathless and nauseous. I used to vomit sometimes but I dont anymore. I find that my anxiety reduces during the day and I go to bed feeling really well and relaxed, only to start the whole process over again at 0500 the next morning.

I find that going to the gym really helps but I realise not everybody can do that.

I wish I knew what the answer was. My therapist says that one theory is that bad memories are stored in a separate area of the brain and at night the brain tries to integrate them into normal memory which causes nightmares etc. I dont think it applies to me so much, my dreams are ok. Ive read somewhere that your hormone levels start to rise at dawn to get you awake, and that glucose and adrenaline causes people like us to feel stressed.

One little tip I have is that sometimes I am able to convert the anxiety into excitement in my mind - they are very close emotions. I try to harness the fact that my body is trying to get me primed for the day and divert it away from anxiety into something more productive. Not easy I know.

So - you arent alone. Mornings are my worst times too.
