View Full Version : Anxiety and always feeling rubbish

21-03-13, 18:15
Just wondering if this is normal for people who have GAD. I never feel 100% I always feel poorly, I am tired, never have much energy. I seem to get cold after cold. My chest has been playing up but my doctor wont look into it properly. Ive been on propranolol for years now and I think its making me wheezy. Now I have an impacted wisdom tooth :( I can never seem to pick myself up. Now again this week my palpitations have come back horribly. Its 10 secs or so of irregular rhythm, I really have to cough to stop it.
I just always feel under the weather. I want to feel good for a change! Anyone else?

21-03-13, 18:34
Sorry your feeling a bit down Emma .
I understand what you say . An understanding GP makes all the difference .
Palpitations are scary but try to realise they cant harm you . buy some inspirational books and try to read Claire Weekes books .


21-03-13, 18:52
Hey Emma,

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this, it is really tough and it wears you down. I am the same as you, I never feel 100%, I'm not as bad as I was a few months ago but I still never feel good or normal. I get chest pains and palps aswell and they are not nice at all and they stop you from getting on with your day as you end up worrying about them constantly. Whether it be, feeling run down and weak or dizzy and ill or just really anxious, somethings always there grinding us down. But remember it wont always be like this and we will get better.

I know its hard but I think we have to just keep plodding along day by day and hopefully gradually we start to feel better, for minutes, then hours, then days. If we keep thinking about how crap we feel then we just keep ourselves feeling like that.

You will get there in the end, stay strong and positive and if your ever having a tough time you can find great support here.

Hope you start to feel better soon :)

Carly Lou
21-03-13, 19:31
Hey Emma, i always ALWAYS feel unwell with my anxiety.... ive had these cold like symptoms (which are worse in the morning ) for the past 3 weeks... my HA obviously tells me its something sinister.... but i know... or we all know how you feel. the constant feeling of unwell... never feeling 100% tierd.... the one thing il never do again is have a afternoon nap... i wake up feeling absoloutly awful and then my anxiety goes into absoloute madness...
i get headaches alot too altho today i have been headache free.... but still dont feel too healthy, you just have to try and stay strong, that you will get through it... i should listen to my own advice... because i just keep thinking there is no end.... if i wake up and feel well its a miracle... but its not very often :weep:
Only time i do feel well is when i am at work because im keeping my mind really busy.
or when im doing something with my little boy.... its hard tho isnt it.... i obsess over every little pain i have and then start beloeveing its a deadly disease... its like this everyday.... so when i do have the odd good day... i relish it..

youll be fine. we all will be... it cant continue like this forever.. you just have to concentrate your mind on something... silly as it sounds if i start having a panic attack i think of something i used to love when i was little... like playing with my sylvanian family toys lol... it does work... not always depends if im having a full blown panic or the start of a panic attack

youll be ok and you arnt alone... hope this has helped a little bit xxx

Carls xxxx :hugs:

21-03-13, 19:32
Hi Emma
Yep I feel the same way too, dizzy on and off all the time, weak, tired, just ill. some days are better than others. We can all get through this we just need to figure out a way that suits us.
We can do it!

22-03-13, 07:27
Hey Emma, sorry you've been feeling so bad! It actually completely normal to be that way with anxiety. It happens not only because you're tired out with worry but also because the chemicals that stress creates in our bodies lower our immune function which leaves us much more open to catching lots of the bugs we come in contact with.

The best thing to help with this is to take good care of yourself with diet, exercise and supplements as well as learning to lower your stress levels to give your immune system a chance to catch up :)[COLOR="blue"]

22-03-13, 09:54
Thanks guys :D I work at my daughters school but only as a cover if someone is off sick or on holiday. I just did 3 weeks straight and now I've been off this week, I feel rubbish again. Seems work was a nice distraction and got me out the house.
As I have anxiety and Im always feeling ill I worry its something worse or serious, especially when I get the palpitations as I can go months without them.
Now I'm worrying about going to the dentist, my wisdom tooth is very painful and I have a lump in my neck. Doctor said swollen lymph node. Just makes me worry even more.
It will get better I know, just hate having bad days and this weather we're having (I live in England) really gets me down. Need some warm sunshine! :D
Least I'm not alone and this is all normal for anxiety, like all the other symptoms aren't bad enough. I always eat healthy aswell, I feel rubbish when I eat junk food, makes me really tired, apart from the odd cake or two :D

22-03-13, 09:58
Just wondering if this is normal for people who have GAD. I never feel 100% I always feel poorly, I am tired, never have much energy. I seem to get cold after cold. My chest has been playing up but my doctor wont look into it properly. Ive been on propranolol for years now and I think its making me wheezy. Now I have an impacted wisdom tooth :( I can never seem to pick myself up. Now again this week my palpitations have come back horribly. Its 10 secs or so of irregular rhythm, I really have to cough to stop it.
I just always feel under the weather. I want to feel good for a change! Anyone else?
hey emma i feel the same as you all the time it,s never ending. we just have to carry on. hope you feel better soon.