View Full Version : Breathless/frequent palps!

21-03-13, 20:10
Hi all.

I have had anxiety for years, I have suffered palpations on and off, and bouts of breathlessness but for the last two weeks I have been almost constantly breathless. I am pretty sure it is anxiety related as the breathlessness does not wake me up and for the first few minutes of being awake my breathing is normal. As well as being constantly breathless I am aware my heart rate is always fast and it really doesn't take much to set off my palpitations. If something startles me, or I become irritated, or even laugh I will get strong palps enough to steal what little breath I have left. I have noticed at times it even gets hard to talk or swallow because my breath feels so out of sync. I am also getting more breathless or palps when I move around or go up the stairs, I do think thats a little down to paranoia though as I am a little concerned something might be wrong.

I am just wondering if anybody else has suffered with this for a prolonged period. Or if anyone has any coping methods or suggestions.

I have tried distractions and sometimes it works, other times its so severe that I can't actually concentrate on anything. Even things I usually do to unwind seems to be setting my palps off or making my breathing worse. After two weeks of this I am at my wits end. Crying randomly, frustrated, panicked. Blurghhh! Any advice welcome!


21-03-13, 20:30
Have you tried breathing techniques, relaxation techniques or yoga? It's so hard to unwind when you feel like that huh.