View Full Version : Help... skin issue and im worrying its something serious

Carly Lou
21-03-13, 20:34
Hey guys... im so sorry my anxiety has just shot up... ive noticed a round bump on the inside of my arm its about the size of a pea... not raised... the scab should i say is white.. im now panicking was it or is it a mole i didnt know i had ??? i cant really expalain what it looks like but im worried sick now ... i googled and came up with herpes and leporasy :weep:

carls xx

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

it wasnt there yesterday im sure :(
im having such a panic... all of a spot on my arm.... god :mad:

21-03-13, 20:53
It is not going to be either leprosy or herpes.

Could you have caught your arm on something- a bra wire, for example, and this is just it healing? Or it could be a spot you didn't notice and therefore didn't squeeze, that would have the sort of texture you describe as it was going. Xx

21-03-13, 22:06
It's a bump but it's not raised? I am confused? Is it under the skin then? Does it move? Is it just 'white'?

Could be a cyst..

21-03-13, 22:20
Can you post a pic? It won't be leporacy or herpes. It could be a wart - I get weird wart things on my skin. They can be easily removed by the doctor or a nurse. Please don't stress out, it won't be anything serious.