View Full Version : Back pains..IBS?

21-03-13, 20:33
Hello, i've been coping very well with my health anxiety. Since December I haven't worried and since Novemeber I haven't visited a doctor. Until...today :lac: yesterday, I started having a very sore back and yes I admit, I panicked and went into melt down...because I worry so much about my kidney because I only have one..where the pain is hurting. It went off..then came back then went.. and then sorry for the TMI but I went the toilet and the soreness stopped but my back still ached. Then it went off again and then at 4:30 this morning it hurt so bad that I woke up and I went into meltdown..so my mum booked me an appointment at the docs. I did a water sample and he said that nothing has showed up and my kidney is fine. So he did alot of poking around which hurt! and he said it's probably muscular. So, I was wondering..is it my IBS? :/

21-03-13, 20:50
My IBS does quite often radiate round to my kidneys, normally the right one.
I get it on the left and right upper and lower quadrants of the stomach including terrible back ache. Don't forget that as anxious people we are already nearly always tense anyway and nine times out of ten, a back pain will normally be tension. In the end, it becomes a vicious circle, the pain produces tension and the tension produces pain.

23-03-13, 21:50
Thanks for the advice :) turns out it was IBS and it went off the day after I posted this... silly me for getting all worked up again for nothing -.-"

26-03-13, 19:03
That is good to know. I have IBS and am always frustrated that it seems like such a "catch-all" illness.
My back had been hurting a little the past few days and it's reassuring to know it can happen with IBS. Of course I will keep an eye on it, but this helps.


03-04-13, 17:00
My IBS causes me to get sciatica due to the bloating. Plus I get pain in my upper back as well! Such fun!

19-10-15, 12:25
I know this post is old but it could be the answer too my problem....because i was thinking kidneys or ibs!!??... Then came across this.. :-)