View Full Version : Stroke

21-03-13, 21:04
Am I the only one who is tired of seeing the advert on TV warning us of the signs of an oncoming stroke?

I appreciate the fact that educating us towards this can be very beneficial to some people but for those who A) live alone and B) are suffering anxiety etc., I would imagine sets alarm bells ringing being as anxiety does a pretty good job of already mimicking heart attacks and stroke symptoms to begin with.

I bet the doctors are probably seeing more than their work load as well after the airing of these commercials.

Obviously, the government has discovered that by showing these they can save precious pounds in hospital treatment after the event if we are quick to act (although slightly difficult if you live alone) otherwise I presume they wouldn't of bothered!

Old Misery Guts.

22-03-13, 07:37
I haven't seen the ad Horse, but I know what you mean anyway! I really think that the media can contribute in a major way to anxiety disorders. I mean if we weren't bombarded constantly with tales of tragic illness or horrible deaths we might not be so quick to jump to the worst conclusion when we feel sick. I can remember being traumatised by this kind of ad when I was a child, even watching the news was enough to give me nightmares.

It's for this reason that I've cut myself off from this kind of stuff, I've stopped watching the news, reading the papers, listening to the news on the radio and watching TV shows/films that have too much upsetting content (like CSI, Greys Anatomy and House!).

It's not that I'm sticking my head in the sand, it's just that the constant negativity was feeding my worry and stress! There's no need to be flooded with all that tragedy and bad news every day. The major news still gets to me, but I don't hear about the negative stuff that's not necessary to hear.

I've only been doing this for about two months, but I tell you I don't miss it! I feel so much better not reading about all that horrible stuff. I don't miss it in the slightest.

22-03-13, 07:40
i know what you mean when you get head zaps i was worried bout strokes etc

but i do think its important that people do know the signs as time is everything with a condition like strokes. i know this after seeing somone have one

22-03-13, 07:55
my gp is great, he says that HA is at an all time high, pertencially costing the nhs lots due to councelling. He even said to me that years ago when things wernt plastered everywhere about cancers strokes etc. Health anxiety was nearly non existent. Also i believe as does my doctor, google is sadly the biggest culprit xxxx

22-03-13, 08:45
I think this is a good point katielou80.

I'm sure that the amount spent on trying to treat health anxiety by far outweighs the money they spend trying to 'save' money in the first place (if you see what I mean).

I quite agree with you HoneyLove about these adverts being rather traumatic to see as a vulnerable child. What we see, hear and witness as children can be so responsible for our behaviour as adults. Just look at kids TV nowadays and it's no wonder they behave the way they do.

While I'm in a moaning mood, these adverts also seem to be aired at meal times as well. I've lost count how many dinners I've sat down to and been confronted with the Bowel Cancer commercial (not nice for those of us who suffer Type C or D IBS) and I'm currently still traumatised after getting stuck into a cheese salad sandwich complete with Kettle Chips only to be shown the pleasures of fungal toenail infections with graphic detail on a regular basis.

Surely, it would be better if they showed us how to try and avoid getting these illnesses in the first place.

Maybe I'm just too soft but I see no reason why TV has to be so graphic nowadays. Perhaps I will have to toughen myself up somewhat and therefore as from today........ I will start watching The Jeremy Kyle Show!

22-03-13, 13:12
The advert is important for me, I knew someone who had two strokes when he was younger only a year old than me. I have not seen him since I left secondary school.

22-03-13, 13:40

in your case and most probably many others with HA I can see that it might be upsetting but they have to generalise in any form of TV advert about various illnesses which could be terminal.
So many men don't realise that prostate kcancer is a big killer and can often have no symptoms and men over the age of 50 should have their prostate checked every 2 years, so that is a good advert.If men actually go for a check up is another thing.

Technology has advanced so much with many illnesses that people need to be kept aware that they should have regular check ups and if something is untoward it can be dealt with quickly.
Do you think children even watch or listen to these adverts.?

Cosmetic surgery seems to be the flavour of the month these days on TV and lyposuction is shown every week on one programme or another and here I would say that if the procedure is not performed correctly it can actually lead to death .Having to have lyposuction is an entirely different topic as stats show we are fast becoming an obese nation.