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View Full Version : Does anyone not like to watch doctor shows?

22-03-13, 02:48
Hi, I just wanted to ask everyone else on here if Hospital shows scare you? I love Grey's Anatomy but the medical part of it freaks me out? Anyone else?

22-03-13, 06:13
Sometimes, it depends what they're about, some things are more scary than others. I like Grey's Anatomy too.

22-03-13, 07:42
I was just writing about this on another thread! I stopped watching then, they just made me too upset with the constant tragedy and scary medical stuff! I used to watch Greys Anatomy and House, but realised it just wasn't worth it, it just fuelled my stress levels.

Now I only watch shows that make me laugh or are interesting, nothing that adds to the piles of negativity we're bombarded with in the media!

I've also stopped watching or reading the news, and don't miss it at all!

22-03-13, 08:17
House is my favourite show ever.
I won't watch RPA (Aussie emergency room show) as it's too upsetting. I used to watch it and followed the progress of a young man who had cancer in his shoulder and he lost his arm and then went into remission and then next episode they say he had died and I was quite upset.

---------- Post added at 08:17 ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 ----------

I am also a very nervous flyer (I need xanax to cope) but I love Air Crash Investigation, but won't watch it within a week of flying.

22-03-13, 08:23
House is great and to think that Hugh Lawrie was in Black Adder.

22-03-13, 10:03
I avoid them, because I will be tempted to go and google (and go back to my old ways of googling) a condition which is featured in the programme. Even though these programmes are helpful sometimes it will just bring back my anxious more.

miss diagnosis
22-03-13, 10:19
Im the opposite. i seem to be obsessed with them! I just re watched all of ER and I never miss Grays anatomy. I dont really think about the medical stuff too much. most of it is very dramatic like facial reconstruction and mad rare brain tumours.

22-03-13, 13:47
I used to watch years ago but for some reason I quit about 15 years ago or so. Never really put it together until I read this thread. People at work talk about the shows you guys mention and I can't even imagine why they watch them. Weird huh! The thought of watching them kind of makes me ill

A little bit like all the stupid ads on TV. I don't know about overseas but here in USA every other advertisement is about cancer or some cancer care hospital. I have told my wife it's no wonder we are all basket cases because the media is trying to scare the hell out of us. Even on the radio

22-03-13, 17:56
I am terrible for watching medical stuff, mostly documentary type like embarrassing bodies and the brain doctors that was on recently :-( not good, gives me more paranoia but I enjoy watching them, it's just afterwards :-/

22-03-13, 18:31
I absolutely cannot watch anything medical. I can't even cope with the constant ads that seem to be on the radio at the moment about macular degenertion, cancer and gum diseases.

22-03-13, 18:36
I won't watch anything like that.
My dad watches house and I have to leave the room :(

23-03-13, 07:59
Wow, there is a lot of us who feel the same way, I don't watch news either I like watching those hospital shows, but I have to believe its just a show.

Does anyone have a huge imagination?

26-03-13, 20:26
Gave up watching Casualty when I started with panics years ago! When anxiety really bad can't watch the news either, weird.