View Full Version : STRUGGLING: Medication worries

22-03-13, 13:23
I've had anxiety for around 3-4 years, although it's not been constant. Sometimes I have really bad phases where I struggle to cope, other times I can have weeks or months where I feel I am on top of things and am able to handle my negative mentality.

I *think* I have anxiety because of a traumatic thing that happened at work a few years back, something that really frightened me. Since then, slowly I have become more anxious, and have developed mild OCD too.

Here is my thoughts and questions: Because my anxiety was triggered in a workplace, my anxiety is ALWAYS worse at work. It makes my job very difficult. I go into work and I constantly worry that I will make a mistake, that I will let someone down, that I will accidentally hurt someone, and then when I go home, I continue worrying, silly things like worrying I will get a call from a manager telling me something awful has happened and it's my fault. When my anxiety is at my worse, I find this terrible to cope with and it really gets on top of me. It's exhausting. However, I do have certain phases where I feel more in control, and it doesn't get to me as much, where I feel I can "keep a lid" on things and carry on.

My doctor today prescribed me with Pregabalin medication. Now I am nervous about taking them. I've always felt nervous about the idea of taking medication that will effect my mind, and this was a big step for me, but my main question to you is - shall I take medication when I am not constantly under high anxiety? I know I definitely want to do something because my anxiety, when it does grip me, really turns me inside out and I am desperate to get over this. My husband says he thinks I should, as he is worrying I am getting worse lately, too....

Are you on medication? Did you feel better for it? Did you stay on it or come off? Did it help you? Was it the best thing you did?

22-03-13, 13:41
Hello Haunted :welcome:
I think every one of us has concerns about beginning medication that impacts on the brain. Whether you do so or not is a decision entirely for you, in consultation with your doc. Only you can really decide if your anxiety has a significant enough effect on your life to merit full-time medication.

I am a long-term user of antidepressants, principally for depression and panic disorder, although I do suffer from anxiety as well. Personally, I believe it improves my quality of life beyond description but that's just me.

I do have a question for you though. Have you ever been on other medication for anxiety, ie antidepressants or anything else. The reason I ask - and I could be wrong in this - is that I'm surprised at the choice of pregabalin if it's first-line treatment. I would have thought it would be more common to try other things first.

Good luck with your decision x

22-03-13, 14:15
Hi haunted.

I too am a long term AD user.

You will be pleased to know that Pregabalin is not technically an Anti Depressant. It's an anti convulsant drug for people with neuropathology pain and epilepsy. It has recently also been licensed for generalised anxiety disorder as it stops the nerves from 'firing' so rapidly, giving a bit of a calming effect.

You won't come into any of the problems that typical SSRI users coming into. There is no 'getting worse' before it gets better with that medication.

I was put on it on top of my SSRI, about a month ago. I took it for 2 weeks but I stopped as one of my biggest side effects is feeling spaced out which makes me worry abit. This can be a very mild effect of pregabalin during the first week or 2. It wasn't a major concern. Just I didn't feel it was suitable for me. I stopped the medication no problem. Head on over to the pregabalin section of this forum and see what others have to say. Overall, it seems to be a very successful drug with very few side effects.

I've been on Medication since I was 17, (11 years!). If you have any further questions about it then feel free to drop me a message or write back on here and I'll be happy to talk about my experiences.

All the very best


22-03-13, 14:58
Thank you both for your replies and welcome.

JaneC - I have not ever been on any other prescription drugs for my anxiety before. Well, in truth, I was prescribed an SSRI a few weeks ago (Setraline) but because it made me feel shaky, gave me nightmares etc, I only took it a couple of days before freaking out and then stopped taking them. Pregabalin is my only other attempt at prescription medication. I guess the reason I am torn in taking medication is because when I'm ok, I feel I can manage (although it can still be tough) but when at my worst, I feel desperate to take something and need all the help I can get - and this does happen often and regularly.

Steveo - Thanks for your reply and info on your own experience on Pregabalin. I am pleased to hear I might not have too many dodgy effects whilst it settles into my system. That IS one thing I was nervous about after my experience taking Setraline a few weeks back.

I suppose it's understandable being nervous. I guess I just needed reassurance. I find the concept of taking something that will effect my mind to be a bit unsettling, I guess it's silly really considering I NEED something to effect my mind. I just want to be calm and clear and get rid of my nagging anxieties.

22-03-13, 16:40
Don't feel forced to take medication.

Have you tried a therapy first of all like CBT?

22-03-13, 18:06
Steveo - I don't really feel pressured or forced about medication, in the sense that I was the one who asked the doctor about it. Having said that, I do feel a sense of pressure (from MYSELF) to do something, to try and tackle my issues, and I felt that taking meds might help and be part of that?

I have done a course of CBT, in many ways it helped. I have OCD and it's helped me learn techniques which will gradually lessen my safety behaviours/repetitive behaviours, but I still feel I need something to lessen my actual anxious feelings.

I have booked a session with a counsellor, and I have to pay it privately, as the NHS won't fund a counsellor for me. They will only fund CBT.

I guess I need to answer the basic question: do I want/need medication to manage an anxiety issue that is awful and frightening to me when I experience it, but I do not experience it every day? Are the pros and cons of medication side effects worth making my life easier when experiencing anxiety.

Did you have any bad effects? Like weight gain? Feeling drunk? Those are the biggest ones I have read about...

Thanks again for your help :)

23-03-13, 00:22
For me medication has been a life saver. I fought 9 months not to take anything regularly (was afraid of the "weak" or "druggie" stigma) but the anxiety/panic was so bad 24/7 that my quality of life was very poor. In cases like myself I felt there really was no other way. It was take the meds or....? I was suffering beyond anything I have ever experienced. They have their time and place.

I was scared to take them at first too...worried they would "change" me. All it did was make me better. :)