View Full Version : eperlectic fit out the blue at 13 caused his panic

14-09-06, 10:40
i am sending this in to find help for my son now 18 at around the age of13 he had a eperlectic fit followed by three more he had nevr had them before and not had one now for near on 4yrs but its left him full of anxiety always thinking it will happen again he did not finish his last yr at school as he never went any were apart from the street in fact after the fits he hardly ever went to school at all when he got to 16 he found if he had a drink of beer he felt normal wich was a worry as did not want him to depend on beer he as never been to go to work as he always feel bad in mornings like most anxiety suffers do being the way i am anxiety panic attack and agraphobic realy brakes my heart for him i no how much i have missed out on in life and dont want the same for him i wish i could take it from him as any one got any childern who have the same or simular thanks trish

14-09-06, 12:40
Hi Trish,

Has your son been diagnosed with epilepsy and if so is he on medication? My son is 16 years old and was diagnosed with juvenile absence epilepsy last year. He is on 300mg Lamotrigine per day. He has only ever had one tonic clonic seizure but does have absence seizures (used to be called petit mal). I think there is quite a bit of denial with my son and it is myself that has suffered from anxiety over the condition i.e. unwilling to give him the freedom that he needs. I think the onset of my anxiety and panic attacks stem his epilepsy. My son is only 16 and I feel we still have a lot of problems ahead of us. Do you have a support group near that could help?

If he has not had a seizure for 4 years he has maybe grown out of them. If you have a specialist he may be able to arrange an EEG to measure brain activity and this could possibly help reassure him.

You could always telephone the epilepsy helpline.
0808 800 5050

Take Care
