View Full Version : Any students out there?

22-03-13, 18:02
I'm in the 1st year of my PhD and work is 10x harder now I suffer from GAD. If you're a student how do you cope with your workload and have you told your supervisors/personal tutors?


22-03-13, 19:33
Hi Lisa, I am working on my masters degree and am in an internship along with my classes. It's a lot with my anxiety and depression. I had to leave my job because I was so stressed and my fiance told me to just focus on school.

I haven't told my supervisors, but have considered it before I left work.

It's quite difficult, I feel for you! :hugs:

22-03-13, 21:10
I was going to tell them in case I decide to go p/t in future but I heard my supervisor talking about a member of staff being off with depression and she wasn't very sympathetic!

Good luck with your masters degree, they can be pretty intense! x

22-03-13, 21:48
Thanks! I know, you never know how an employer will react unfortunately. Maybe you can say you are going P/T to focus on your PhD?

I did that originally. I was FT and went PT for school. Then I asked to transfer close to home and they were not very nice about it. I left because it was not helping my anxiety at all and school is more important to me right now. xx

23-03-13, 10:03
I think that was a very sensible decision on your part. Studying is my main priority too but every now and then the negative thoughts creep in like 'can I actually cope with a career in academia?!'

I try not to focus on the 'what ifs' but it can be hard
