View Full Version : Over indulged on food today ? :(

22-03-13, 18:55
Thought I'd treat my self seeing as its Friday.
Had shreddies for breaky
Banana for a snack
Lunch one slice cheese on toast. Tin of peaches

Now the fat bit:
Fish finger roll. Fish fingers. Onion rings. Baked beans and coleslaw. A big big portion.
Pudding: chocolate meriainge with whipped cream like a eclair but with meriainge and chocolate flavoured custard.

I now feel like I've over done it.
I did something similar last Saturday aswell.
Tomorrow will just have breakfast. Something like a hot cross bun and a piece of fruit.
Dinner toad in the hole, mash and peas to try and make up for it today.
So scared ill become obese if carry on :(

Probably eaten 3,000 calories today in total. Far to much food. Going to aim for 1,000 tomorrow so its been spread out to 4,000 in two days. Which is still 2,000 over two days.

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

I now can't bring my self to eat the rest of the weekend.

And to start Monday fresh with healthly healthly and more healthly stuff.
Dinner- salad. Egg, tuna, pasta or chicken. Maybe couscous to and new/jacket potatoes . no coleslaw. Every night.
Lunch- a sandwhich, piece of fruit, yoghurt and a cereal bar/cheese dip and breadsticks
Breakfast- cornflakes.

I need some healhtly salad dressings though. I don't see salad cream or mayo as healthy.
Could use mustard and vinegar?

By not eating over the weekend will I slow my bodies metabolism down and then when I eat again Monday will i put on weight eating smaller regular meals? I'm at a loss. This is becoming such an issue :(

22-03-13, 19:07
hey em.ma we like to over indulge don,t we. im doin it myself right now. i,ve had beans on toast [2 toast] 2 packets of crisps & twix. i,ve been drinking whisky & now im drinking bailys.:bighug1:

22-03-13, 19:30
Hey emma, it's ok once a week as long as you aren't eating like that every day. Maybe try to go for a walk later or something. The important thing is NOT to starve yourself the rest of the weekend, because then your metabolism will slow down to conserve your energy. Just eat lighter meals maybe tomorrow.

I know how frustrating it is though. I am getting married in a month and a half and have to fit in my dress because the alterations are done, so no room to gain a pound here or there. I tend to eat wheN I am stressed or sad and I have a huge sweet tooth and just ate way too many cookies!!! I should stop keeping it in my apartment.

22-03-13, 19:35
Thanks guys,
If I was to eat say a banana and a yogurt for breaky.
Then a snack of maybe some fruit and a bread roll with peanut butter or a couple of crackers with cream cheese
Then dinner we are having toad in the hole, mash and peas and gravy. Will this keep my metabolism up?
If I choose to just have dinner tommorw and to start eating regularly again on Monday will I mess up my metabolism to the point were ill put on weight with regular meals!?
I don't plan on doing much tomorrow though.

Carly Lou
22-03-13, 19:54
Im a nightmare when it comes to food... im not bulimic or anorexic... im 4"10 and weigh 8.12lbs... im not fat but a little chubby lol... BUT.... i over indulge on days to.. and then i start to get upset about it and obsess that il end up getting obese... id love to be able to just go through a week or being healthy... then i could loose a few pounds and feel better about myself... i start thinking about my health anxiety and what if i die... and then i would have eaten just boring healthy foods... so i go and indulge in anything and everything fattening and feel so shit after that i get really upset and depressed about it.. im not sure this is the same situation but i understand how you feel about the fear of becoming obese....
hope this made you feel a bit better that your not alone with the indulge and then freak out bit

Carls xx