View Full Version : Weird feeling

22-03-13, 19:03
Hi. Tonight i've been feeling weird again. My face feels heavy especially in my cheeks. And im tingling all over. My left arm is constantly aching. And i always think im going to have a heart attack. I have had lost of tests all showing im fine. Any advice would be appreciated. Coz it does my head in

22-03-13, 19:53
All of these symptoms are normal for high levels of anxiety. you may not feel anxious but it is subconcious. i have lived with anxiety disorder for over four years now, and ive had all of your symptoms plus many, many more odd ones and weird feelings all over... so weird that i demanded an mri scan of my brain, plus numerous blood tests and a heart scan (echocardiogram) and i am as fit as a fiddle. how i know its anxiety is my symptoms disappear when im not so focused on my body, and when your stressed they come back aswell, PLUS if you have any issue with your heart, your symptoms wouldnt just come and go, or get worse then better, you wouldnt be able to function normally if you had heart problems. dont worry, rest assured this is anxiety and nothing more. once you convince yourself and accept anxiety as part of your life, things get better. trust me :) take care

22-03-13, 20:24
Thanks for that advice, its only been happening for about 3 months. Im only 21. But its nice to talk to people about it to get reassured. Do you take anything for yours?