View Full Version : Feel really shaky today

22-03-13, 19:20
I woke up and did not go to my internship because I slept ten hours and still could not get out of bed. I have been sleeping poorly lately so figured I was just getting caught up on lost sleep. I felt really achy, stretched out and it took longer to feel less achy than usual. I normally feel a little achy but figured well must have just slept in a funny position.

So then I had two cups of coffee and still tired ... fell asleep ... and now I woke up really hot and shaky. Normally I have about 3 cups and I am good for the day so this was less than I usually have and still fell asleep. I feel really shaky and weird and now anxious too.

Does it sound like I am coming down with a bug maybe? Or something worse to be worried about? I just feel very off right now.

23-03-13, 22:51
i know its a day late but no your not coming down with a bug. it,s adrenalin through the coffie. doesn,t matter if coffies never brought that on before thers always a first for everything right..... get your sleep go to bed early drink plenty fluids & stop drinkin coffie or just have 1. you may function better without it... trust me please. :yesyes: