View Full Version : anyone scared to exercise because of symptoms?

22-03-13, 20:36

Well i am really fed up with myself. Just about 5,6 months ago I bought a crosstrainer + exercise bike in order to get myself in shape (used to go to the gym when i can but when you work full time and don't get home til 6, have a small child, partner that often works weekends and no one to babysit, well home exercising is the best option really). For the past few years I was occasionally having health anxiety twinges, a few symptoms here and there, but got myself into pretty much normal state, after years of suffering.
And I didn't use that thing for a few weeks when it all started going downhill. I won't go into details how it all started, i posted quite a few posts since, but majority of symptoms is either some type of dizziness (sometimes faint, sometimes woozy, sometimes spinning, sometimes buzzing) or head symptom (like various types of headaches, feeling fuzzy, feeling pressure...) Today's choice is feeling pressure right on top of my head and just getting buzzy feelings in my head and blackness. I could sit all day on the sofa stuffing myself with food, but I am too scared to move my butt to do anything as I am scared i will feel worse and get more dizzy or my head will feel even worse.
I can't go back to the doctor again, don't even know what to tell them anymore, I am tired of hearing my own story, so I just don't know how to get over this.
I have been doing yoga occasionally but haven't in a while cause I am too scared. Need to stop this. If i had someone here kicking me in the butt and just being there I would be stronger but like this...
Where do I find the strength to get up tonight no matter what i feel and do i yoga and keep at it every day, without giving up?
Anyone has this problem?

22-03-13, 20:53
Hi Millie,
I am the same, to scared to exercise incase it makes me feels ill, scared of my own heartbeat. I get panicky and dizzy too. No matter how I feel now though I make sure I do some type of exercise even if its just a good walk. We just have to keep pushing through it and not let the anxiety get in the way.
I read that yoga is really good for anxiety sufferers so it will probably do you good :)

22-03-13, 20:57
Totally with you on this. My heart is my Health Anxiety. I walk for over an hour every day, because it makes me feel better. But, I won't risk getting on a bike. Used to cycle all the time before my first panic attack. My GP has told me to stop worrying and just get on with it. But something in my head is stopping me.

You are not alone Mila :hugs:


22-03-13, 21:05
The thing is when I do get myself to do the yoga I feel great most times, I just want to keep doing it, but getting myself to do it unless i feel perfect is a nightmare. Crosstrainer has been a different story. I used to be able to do quite a lot on it, now afer 5 minutes i get panicky cause i start feeling dizzy and my heart is racing, which in theory is all normal, especially if you are not as fit anymore. But someone tell that to my brain.
And it's way too cold to go out and start walking :lac:

22-03-13, 22:44
I totally hear you..I bought a crosstrainer and it sat unused until I sold it...last month I bought a mini trampoline, but after using it I got that 'I'm still on it' kind of vertigo feeling (like you get on a treadmill) so now I don't use that either...I'm getting fatter and fatter and because of agoraphobia I'm not able to walk or cycle anymore.

23-03-13, 00:09
Like everyone else here I can't stand the feeling of my heart pounding and 9 times out of 10 I would throw myself into a horrible panic attack upon exercise.

I had to get over it so I kept on until I got more and more used to the feeling of my heart beating. I have graduated to running several miles per week but at times I still start to freak out a little. When that happens I walk and divert my attention on something else. Only twice has it gotten bad but I have no plans on stopping.

After a few months my anxiety/panic improved significantly from the exercise. Killed two birds; lost weight and pretty much wiped out my anxiety.

Right now I am having a hard time again because of a medication dosage change but I'm still not stopping. I won't let the panic win.

ETA: My HA is my heart too :( it's awful..