View Full Version : Can anyone relate please.... Health Anxiety & very real symptoms :(

Carly Lou
22-03-13, 20:51
This could be a long post so please bare with me...
Ive made a few posts this last week. various things going on with my anxiety and symptoms i believe are sinister... :weep:

But i just want to explain how this has suddenly started again and can anyone please relate so i dont drive myself absoloutly insane thinking it is something very bad and not just anxiety and being run down... i have had a couple of periods which have been early but my doctor has put them down to stress... i did have a smear last year and that was all clear thank god!
I had a few weeks in jan that were incredibly stressful for me... i didnt eat and hardly slept for 3 weeks, was stressed out in the most terrible way crying everyday all day until everything fell back into place (relationship issue but all is great again) previous to that i had been anxiety free for over a year... i had also been meds free during that year..
a week or so after everything was great again is when i first started getting symptoms of my anxiety creeping back... i would get stressed over having a headache again... not being rational like i was last year by just saying its only a headache and taking some paracetomal and thinking nothing of it... then came my early period... and started thinking about cancer again... and then the headaches were constant as you may have read in some of my other threads... i have been feeling flu like symptoms for over 3 weeks now... generally feeling unwell... i have a niggling headache most days, ear ache, glands in my neck swelling a bit and well i just feel horrid and dont look my healthy refreshed self anymore. im always tierd again...

Id just like to ask is this because i am run down and the stress of everything that happened in jan has caught up with me, despite everything is fine now? ive told myself maybe i do have bit of a virus from being run down because you do have a weakend immune system when you are run down... no matter what i do i just cant shake it off... to the point where i got so upset yesterday that the doctor who was calling me back didnt |( he wasnt my normal one ) i found my antibiotics in the cupboard from when i had a throat infection last year and have started taking them.... im desparate to feel better...
feeling poorly and the anxiety i am getting thinking i have a tumour or cancer of various areas of my body is just getting me more and more down... especially because i am having symptoms and then thinking it is the start of some sort of cancer :scared15:

Im really disapointed in myself that i am back to this again... i had done so well for a year and i had never felt happier with myself... i felt i was cured and all this would never have come back... i believe because i got so stressed in jan worrying.... it was all to do with my partner starting working away and i was stressing what if he met someone else.... silly i know but in my head i was imagining this... we would argue because he knew how silly it was and that would never happen but i convinced myself what if... and thats when i was stressing out every night for the 3 weeks he was away... making myself sick with worry..

the symptoms of my anxiety i have again are
feeling bloody unwell all the time

I want to thank you all who read this... i know im not alone but because it is happening to me again i keep thinking maybe it is isnt my anxiety and i am ill... but a few factors prove it could be my anxiety... i get a nervous sort of itch when im anxious like i used too....

Thank you and anyone who has this id really appriciate your advice... im scared il go right back to when i was like this before... doctors every week and having numerous tests and scans because once one symptom was recongnised as anxiety after clear test results a new one arrived and the nightmare continued...
I have been prescribed Mirtazapine...i do have diazepam if needed but hadnt needed one for months and months and ive taken 4 in the past 3 weeks but im trying to break away from this without taking Mirt even tho i know they worked so well before... but im anxious i may put on lots of weight or something .... maybe these antiobiotics will work... that ive decided to be silly enough to start taking... :wacko:
just feeling unwell for 3 weeks and the headaches are getting me now... when i was so happy and my bubbly self before...

i feel ive let myself down again... when i was doing so so well :(

Carls xx

22-03-13, 22:22
It sounds as though you have been stressed for a while. In my experience, it's actually really common to get ill after a period of acute stress. I think the adrenaline you produce when you are intensely anxious can carry you through, but when the anxiety begins to calm down, that's when your defences weaken and you become vulnerable to all sorts. I am a teacher and I always get ill in the holidays when I start to relax. The flu like feelings could be from a minor viral infection, but I have also had this happen to me through just being over tired and anxious, also being due for your period can make it worse. I know how hard it is to feel this way and I want to encourage you that you have got better before, and you will do again.

22-03-13, 22:35
I always say to people, if you're feeling run down and unwell, look at your diet and make sure that you're getting enough fruit and veg and avoiding caffeine and processed food. I also was diagnosed with a B12 deficiency which was making my hair thin, I'd go to bed exhausted and wake up even more exhausted.
I'm really surprised how physically anxiety and stress can manifest themselves in the form of physical ill health.
You know we all understand exactly how you're feeling, we've all been there. xx