View Full Version : Progress (but in babysteps!)

14-09-06, 12:37
Hi there everyone - I hope you are having a good day :o)

I have just read Claire Weekes - Essential Help for your nerves.
Thank you so much for recommending it on your suggested reading.

I identified with it so much and it is so helpful - I'm going to try putting it into practice!

I'm almost 2 weeks in on 5mg citalopram and feeling a bit blue and wondering if the tablets will help, anxiety still high, and have been avoiding the news, books or anything that "might" frighten me on the TV (which is anything new basically - just in case it has something on it that gives me more fuel for an overactive imagination! I've been watching repeats of sitcoms non stop instead!) and I realise that this avoidance is only making matters worse - as well as impossible to do! Even adverts or the words in songs sometimes bother me!

I have also been bogged down with trying to get it all over with (anxiety/panic wise) asap and have been putting time limits on my recovery which is adding to my stress. I have been railing against me even having anxiety. It is sometimes hard for me to accept. Acceptance is a tough one.

But today I made progress (i think!) There is a counsellor on staff at my local Disabled Children's Pallative Care Centre and I called and talked to her and asked for an appointment. I think my panics are partly from the guilt I feel over my daughter's disabilities (she was starved of oxygen at birth and it left her with brain damage) but I've always blamed myself - (should have made the doctor c section me earlier etc)

I will let you know how i get on - (i hate asking for help as I'm known as such a fighter/ coper in those circles) but she was sooo understanding and I feel so much better admitting I'm having some difficulties with anxiety instead of railing against it.

Baby steps but hopefully they are in the right direction.

This site is fantastic by the way! I now wear my NMP wristband with pride and when I'm having a rough time I look at it I think of all of you here that have been so supportive and kind and it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone (I also snap it on my wrist when I have negative thoughts and it seems to help!!!)

Thank you all.

Has anyone else found Claire Weekes helpful?


14-09-06, 15:29
Hi Neebie,

So glad you are doing better!! Baby steps in the right direction!! Wishing you all the best on your road to recovery!!

Hugs to you


polly daydream
14-09-06, 18:07
Hi Neebie, never blame yourself for what happened to your child, these things unfortunately happen all the time, it's not your fault. Anyway well done for making small steps, good on you.

As for Claire Weekes books I think they are amazing and have helped me realise what is happening to me, I am no longer as scared.

Take care,

Polly x

14-09-06, 20:43
hi neebie,
glad u have "seen that your nerves are just trying to bluff you" as you can tell i have read c.weekes bks too, they really showed me and made me understand what was going on, accepting is a hard one, but the quicker you do the faster you make progress, i am having set bck at the mo, out came the bks again-lol, have you read the other one, peace from nervous suffering? that goes into more detail again.

we are all stronger people after having this

18-09-06, 15:13
Well done on taking that huge step of talking to someone and admitting that you want some help for your panics. I hope the appointment is soon.

Please do NOT assign a time frame for recovery as you are just setting yourself up for disappointment and further anxiety if something comes in your way.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress