View Full Version : lymph node direct on collarbone?

23-03-13, 12:33
I've been goin out of my mind with worry I feel sick and petrified... About a month ago I came down with a bad cold chesty cough,,,sinusitus sneezing .nose running like a tap anyway about 5 dayt into my cold I felt a lump directly on my collarbone that was very sore a few days later the soreness sunsided.. Now 3 weeks down the line its still there a lot more softer and moves around from the top to the bottom I can actually squish it.... Is this node still here because I'm proddin it? I won't leave it alone I started fooglin again yesterday and scared myself to the point where my apetite went out the window and felt sic'! All day.... Have anyone had this experience before? And does lymph nodes become more softer and moveable as they are dissapearing? Thankyou X

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Anyone please?

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37 views not 1 reply :( :( :(

23-03-13, 12:37
It can take months for nodes to go back down after an infection or anything.
I have 2 on my left side one on my neck and one behind my ear that are always bigger than my right. But if you keep prodding and poking it it won't go down either.

23-03-13, 16:13
Is it painful? The fact it moves and it isn't hard is a good sign...

23-03-13, 16:21

I had a breakdown 2 years ago induced by finding one of these directly on collarbone - It was fine. Yours sounds the same as mine.

There's lots of scary things on the net about this but my Dr and a few others I saw said it would have to be massive to be a concern.

Really nothing to worry about.

Look through my old threads about it if you want I bet they reassure you.xxxxxxxxxxxx

23-03-13, 18:47
Thankyou for your replys really helped :) it was sore durin my cold amd cough but since the painhas gone it just the soft node that moves around... The more I'm messing the tender it gets I NEED to leave it alone ...but as u all probably kno easier said than done :( X

23-03-13, 19:24
Its only there to fight off the infection in your body, its doing you a favour! Don't worry about it honestly, I've had one in my jawline for about 3-4 months, doctor told me sometimes they just stay there and don't go. Its a good sign that its moveable and hurts so don't worry about cancer or anything (I'm assuming that's what you're worrying about).. And yes I do believe if you prod it it doesn't go away.

23-03-13, 19:51
My biggest fear is cancer I've googled and googled and can't find anything decent about the collarbone area I suppose if I had a chest infection then that's y the node is situated there? I'm going to leave it for at least 2 days then touch again lol .... X