View Full Version : Hi everyone :)

23-03-13, 10:36
Hey everyone,

I know that this is my first post, and might have loads of typos and things that arent that important but I just wanted to see if there are others going through the same stuff as me that i can talk to.
I seem to have a bit of many things, some things i didn't even know i had until i went to my therapist. I have severe depression, self harming issues that are getting more serious. I have social anxiety, so much so that i dare not even leave my house for weeks on end, and also my therapist believes i'm developing a phobia of outside. I seem to be developing a bit of OCD in that once a week, sometimes even twice, i have to move furniture around. even if there is nothing wrong with the way the room is i just have to. it's like if i don't i go mad and well, i've never really not acted on it. I just move around the room without any thought. I have emotional problems in that for some reason i cannot feel sadness without becoming angry within two seconds, and whenever i am happy i just go depressed straight away.
I'm ranting a little bit now so I'll stop. after all i don't really talk to people other than the same four in my life so i am at a loss as to what to say.

so I'll just leave you with a yes, this is me. if anyone can help me with way of dealing with these urges or sudden changes because my medication isnt doing much to help, i would love any help if any. even just knowing i'm not alone would mean the world.


23-03-13, 13:50
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.