View Full Version : 24/7 amxiety

23-03-13, 15:12
Can you ave 24/7 anxiety even wen you dont think you have any

23-03-13, 15:18
I think so, sometimes I think I am fine, but realise that I am not relaxed like other people. Sometimes I feel tense and don't realise until I try to feel relaxed - very confusing but Yeah I think it is in me and I don't know how not to be anxious.

23-03-13, 15:22
Definitely!! As soon as I stop doing something, it is straight back. Even when I am busy, my mind seems to be constantly checking how I am feeling, particularly arm and chest.

The only time I am not anxious is when I am asleep!!


23-03-13, 15:25
Definitely!! As soon as I stop doing something, it is straight back. Even when I am busy, my mind seems to be constantly checking how I am feeling, particularly arm and chest.

The only time I am not anxious is when I am asleep!!


I am the same way, constantly checking and double checking how I am feeling. Glad its not just me :)

23-03-13, 22:37
Me too. I feel like I only have a small % of my mind available to concentrate on what I'm doing, I'm so focussed on whatever concern I have at the time.

24-03-13, 18:31
There was a point when yes I was having horrible anxiety 24/7. Didn't sleep for weeks. :(

24-03-13, 18:45
Yes. I get good days and not-so-good days (most of my days are not-so-good tho to be honest) then every now and again a baaaad day comes along.

And today is that day.

I have felt so anxious and on edge all day - I got up and spent the morning watching tv feeling shaky and like I was about to burst into tears. This meant I had a lump in throat sensation. I've had a cold recently and a lot of catarrh so was convinced I was gonna stop breathing and die. Have had a torch out 4 or 5 times today checking my throat to make sure it's not swelling up :blush:

All day long I've been worrying about things.

I think the weather and feeling unwell triggered it (I always get tearful when there is snow) but there was no reason why it would be today and not yesterday or Friday. Just came out of the blue really.