View Full Version : I can't take this any longer

23-03-13, 16:15
Please someone help me.
I am a long suffering panic attack sufferer. I know the signs for me, thumping heart, anxious breathing etc. I've suffered for years and I think I have that under control more or less.
I had a baby 5 months ago, no problems, all went well.
For the last 3-4 months I have been suffering with intermittent dizziness. It comes from nowhere, I feel all woozy in my head and eyes, a bit panicky then it subsides. I go from feeling fine to dizzy. It's gradually getting worse. For the last week I've had mild headaches, a bout of trembling and my eyes feel funny. I just don't feel right. It's making me very anxious but it doesn't feel like my usual anxiety symptoms.
I've seen 3 GP's. one put it down to tiredness (I'm sure it's not that), the other did bloods (normal) and the last sent for different bloods and referred for ear syringing. These bloods were normal and I'm still waiting for my ears to be done. I've also noticed a new vein from my right temple to just above my eye.
I also am worrying a lot about a diagonal ear lobe crease. I've read that it's called Franks sign and can be a sign of heart disease. It's petrifying me as my heart is a real trigger for my anxiety. I'm 34, not overweight with normal bp but terrified that there is something majorly wrong.
I haven't felt "well" for months.
Any help??

23-03-13, 16:37
Don't worry yourself like this. There's no need for it. Trust me, I do it and I get these symptoms and I'm 24 year old guy. I've had similar symptoms over the last 3/4 days while I've been stressed out. I think it's definitely anxiety, we all get the same symptoms. Obviously I can't be 100% sure, that's what the doctor is for, but try to relax if you can. Maybe go for a walk or watch tv show, preferably a comedy? I don't know what else to say really, as they've given you most tests and they're okay. I think we tend to worry too much when we got anxiety, then when we get symptoms like these we think the worse. I've also had the lightheadedness and headaches, and I haven't been sleeping well at all during this time, so it could most likely be what the doc said, tiredness.

If you are still uncertain, then go back to the doctor on monday and see if there's anything else they can do. But I think both our problems are from anxiety/stress related.

Just calm down! lol think positive okay.

23-03-13, 16:45
Thank you
I'm sure you're right. It's been on my mind for so long that I can't remember what it's like to not feel this way and feel well.

23-03-13, 17:20
Hi Karen,:hugs:

I have the same problem with dizziness, I am pretty much totally fed up with it. I have also mention this to several GPs numerous times and after normal blood tests they would just say I am fine. I keep thinking surely there are other tests or a reason why I feel this. Sometimes I feel lightheaded, sometimes all of a sudden woozy like you said. I also get headaches, sometimes dull tension like headaches, sometimes like shooting pains in one area, some days I feel pressure ache on top of my head and I get scared of all of them. So you are not alone. I wish I could tell you what to do but I am in the same boat. I just want to break down and cry when it starts because I don't feel normal anymore, first thing I think when I wake up is if I'm gonna start feeling dizzy and at night going ti bed I am scared of the same thing.

What's this franks crease in ear lobe? Never heard of it, now I have to check it out, god I can't handle another thing to worry about. :D

23-03-13, 17:21
No problem. I know it's hard at times, especially when you feel so bad from the symptoms, but you just gotta remember that it won't last forever. I just wish I could take my own advice haha.

Do you exercise? I have found exercise helps a lot! Remember to eat healthy as well, fruits, veggies, lean meat like turkey or chicken, brown bread etc. If you need help, don't feel bad about contacting me or anyone else on here.

Hope I could help at least a little bit.

23-03-13, 17:24
Hi Karen,:hugs:

I have the same problem with dizziness, I am pretty much totally fed up with it. I have also mention this to several GPs numerous times and after normal blood tests they would just say I am fine. I keep thinking surely there are other tests or a reason why I feel this. Sometimes I feel lightheaded, sometimes all of a sudden woozy like you said. I also get headaches, sometimes dull tension like headaches, sometimes like shooting pains in one area, some days I feel pressure ache on top of my head and I get scared of all of them. So you are not alone. I wish I could tell you what to do but I am in the same boat. I just want to break down and cry when it starts because I don't feel normal anymore, first thing I think when I wake up is if I'm gonna start feeling dizzy and at night going ti bed I am scared of the same thing.

What's this franks crease in ear lobe? Never heard of it, now I have to check it out, god I can't handle another thing to worry about. :D

I feel exactly like you!!!

Franks sign is a diagonal crease on your ear love that can be a significant sign or heart disease - and I have it! I've googled far too much but there's no denying it's the crease that I have :(

---------- Post added at 17:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

No problem. I know it's hard at times, especially when you feel so bad from the symptoms, but you just gotta remember that it won't last forever. I just wish I could take my own advice haha.

Do you exercise? I have found exercise helps a lot! Remember to eat healthy as well, fruits, veggies, lean meat like turkey or chicken, brown bread etc. If you need help, don't feel bad about contacting me or anyone else on here.

Hope I could help at least a little bit.

I don't exercise at the moment as I'm breastfeeding my baby and have to be with him almost constantly but I was an active gym goer until my pregnancy x

23-03-13, 18:14
I am sorry that you feel so low. Honestly, having a young baby and breastfeeding are exhausting, I am sure this is why you are so worm down. Are you eating enough? When I was breastfeeding I couldn't believe how much more I had to eat. It was crazy, especially before you wean them. You are probably up in the night a lot and your whole way of life has changed. Go easy on yourself and try not to Google (easier said than done I know!).

23-03-13, 18:59
Thank you.
The baby is up a lot and breastfeeding is very demanding but I didn't think that had anything to do with it as he's my 5th baby including a set of twins and I was so exhausted with them but felt fine physically. At the moment I'm a nervous wreck.
Maybe I am just tired? I hope so xx