View Full Version : Intestines? worryn on my birthday:-(

14-09-06, 14:16
This morning I pushed my slide phone down by using my tummy and I had a wierd feeling when I did it, like something moved and made me jump, had myself in a worry thinking its a tumour or an enlarged spleen as its on the left side of my abdomen and its got me thinking leaukemia (enlarged spleen is a symptom)

I have had a full blood count only 2 weeks ago which was all clear so why am I thinking leaukemia? I have been doing so well and its my birthday today so im feeling a little blue this afternoon[xx(]

My mum has felt the area and said its not bulky but when she touched my left side it did it again, made me jump and felt odd. Its just to the side of my ribcage on the left, where it feels squishy after your chest and ribs, that inbetween bit, between belly button and chest, if you see where i mean, hehe. Is that where your intestines are?

When I lie down there is nothing there, all flat and can't feel anything.

Ju x

14-09-06, 16:04
Jem Jem Jem

Hope your having a lovely birthday. I myself am just home from doctor after telling her I thought I had bowel kidney and bladder cancer. I wont even tell you the answer she gave me lol. You have had your full blood count done and all was fine hun. Dont let these thoughts spoil your birthdayxxxxx

Take Care


14-09-06, 16:06
Happy Birthday you Nutter.

YOU ARE FINE....now enjoy the rest of your day

Hay x

14-09-06, 18:58
HEhe thanks,

What could it be though? to touch it feels abit raised and sort of moves & makes me jump??dh said its bound to b e muscular but im not so sure.

If it were anything cancerous would my fbc of picked it up? been thinking about it all afternoon:-(

14-09-06, 19:00
Also when I push the area it feel really achy in my back and and up in my chest??worried now that I am pushing something in there like a lump.

14-09-06, 19:55

This post may cheer you up ...

[Link removed as post deleted]


14-09-06, 21:40
Awww thank you, thats lovely.

15-09-06, 20:52
hi Jem
Happy birthday

I get that sometimes. Its intestines and wind and can be a symptom of irritable bowel which some anxiety sufferers get LOL
Might be slight constipation too.

Hope that helps
Pam x

16-09-06, 09:29
Thanks Brenda,

Ohh yes I am on iron so probably to do with that.

Ju x

16-09-06, 14:46
i think i knpow what this sounds like. i did it the other week, my nephew pushed my mobile on my stomach! i think, my stomach was usually tense and i think at that point when u slid your phone, youd relaxed your stomach so the muscles werent tense, therfore you could feel everything. make sense?
Becci x

16-09-06, 16:38
it could be ibs or it could be what wannabeloved said could be both

probly anxiety so the more you worry the more it will happen. it does sound like your nerve endings though

[img=http://graphics.GlitterMaker.com/7/764/115833956247216.gif] (http://www.GlitterMaker.com/)

the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

16-09-06, 18:37
Thank you both, think you are right so I won't give it another thought:-)