View Full Version : Has anyone ever had appendicitis? Worried I do..

23-03-13, 18:41
I've got pain in my lower right side of my stomach and I'm worrying about appendicitis, its just because my mums on holiday and I worry if something bad happens when she's not here.

I haven't got any other symptoms apart from bowel movements/diarrhea etc but that's because I've recently been diagnosed with coeliac disease.

So if anyone's ever had it should I be worried? I know its an emergency kind of thing but I don't want to look like an idiot if I turn up A+E and its just an upset tummy..


23-03-13, 19:32
ive never had did but my sister did, about 15 years ago. All i can remeber was that she was having tummy pain for a few weeks befoe it got really bad. She was in that much pain she was in tears, couldn't stand up straght etc. I carnt give you advice on your tummy pain but if your worried phone nhs direct (out of hours doctor). they can give you advice over the phone, even if it just puts your mind at rest with your mum been away.

23-03-13, 23:10
I had my appendix out 8 years ago the pain is so so bad you would know if you had that really high temp chills constant vomiting .i hope this reassured you xx

24-03-13, 10:44
Assuming you're female(!), it might be an ovarian cyst, almost all of which can be a perfectly normal part of the menstrual cycle and will go away of their own accord in a few weeks or in a few cycles. If it doesn't go away in a few cycles, or if the pain is bad, see your GP who will probably refer you for a very simple ultrasound scan to see what it is. Whereabouts in your cycle are you? (The other thing it could be is ovulation pain, which is very common - that would typically happen in the middle of your cycle and can last from a few hours to a few days.)

24-03-13, 11:28
Funny you should say because I've been having period pain for weeks but no period, I recently had the implant put in which I know can do these things though. I'll mention it to my GP thankyou.

Thanks for the reassurance everyone x

24-03-13, 13:26
I wouldn't be worried about not having a period on the implant, as it can have that effect. But the pain is something you shouldn't have.

If the implant is progesterone only (which I think it is?), I believe it can make functional (normal) cysts more likely to occur. At least, that is the case with mini-pills which are the oral equivalent and progesterone only - there can be some follicle development but then the egg may not be released, becoming a follicular cyst. (I'm in the middle of all this myself.) That can then take some weeks to fade/resolve/be absorbed back by the body.

If this happens often and you're prone to cysts, you might be better on something that stops ovulation. Like a combined pill, or like the mini-pill Cerazette. I don't know much about the implant though, or if it stops ovulation and follicle development. (I'm about to start probably the combined pill when I see my GP on Tues.)

So it's probably nothing to worry about but your GP can refer you for an ultrasound which is not painful and has no side effects, to take a look.

24-03-13, 20:06
how are you felling now, hope your better

24-03-13, 20:33
Hi, i had appendicitis about 18 months ago. I woke up early one morning and had severe pain in my lower right hand side (tears in eyes pain) but otherwise didn't have any other symptoms. I saw my doctor who after examining me asked me to go to hospital as he suspected appendicitis. After lots of tests (all negative) the consultant decided he would operate. Turns out he was right as i had acute appendicitis.

Bottom line - if you are worried and go to A+E and it turns out not to be anything too serious no-one will be mad at you, it's better to be safe than sorry! Maybe try NHS Direct in the meantime as they may be able to assure you?

Hope you are feeling better.