View Full Version : Really scared again...Please help (Moles)

14-09-06, 16:12
So now it's the turn of moles...Oh, dear...

I have this really strange looking mole on one of my toes. It's about 4*4 mm long and seems to be made out of small brown/black dots. I've made an appointment to see a doctor as it looks nothing like any other mole I have. The thing is, I remember having had it (more or less unchanged, though I could not say precisely) for at least 15 years if not more. I was a small child when I first noticed it, and my aunts whom I showed it too said it looked like something that would heal, but it never did.

I know it's irrational, but I have now convinced myself it's melanoma and that after so long it must be well and truly advanced and I must be about to die. Does anybody know how long melanoma takes to spread and whether it's always visible as it spreads?Or does anyone know of a more innocent explanation? I'm out of my mind with worry. Please help.

14-09-06, 17:18

If you have had it for 15 years and it appears to be unchanged then I don't believe you have anything to worry about. I am sure the doctor will put your mind at rest. Over the last 20 years I have had around 10 moles removed and non of them have been malignant. My understanding is that moles will change over the years but the concern is when there is rapid change/activity over weeks i.e. change in shape, size and colour or if it bleeds. My moles have all been photographed and measured at the pigmented lesion clinic and I have a copy. Over the years I have seen changes but not rapid change.

My 16 year son is going to hospital on Monday to have 4 moles looked at but I don't believe there is anything sinister. Try and relax.
