View Full Version : vivid dreams?

23-03-13, 21:48
so i had a really strange vivid dream, i was dreaming i was on a train and had some fruit to eat, but it was clearly gone off.... but i had a very real very sickening taste in my mouth, but not acidic or anything that would make me think it was happening in my sleep outside of my dream.. anyway in my dream i then felt very physically sick hanging about in an overly large bathroom and feeling almost delirious.. and the feeling lingers every time i think about the dream, I'm wondering if anyone else has had an experience like this? its been making me very anxious :wacko:

23-03-13, 22:07
I fell asleep about 6pm and had a vivid dream, when i woke i had a very stiff neck and did not know where i was it was nearly 8pm and i am still thinking about what
i drempt. The feeling will go iam sure grace:)

23-03-13, 22:53
I once had a dream about drinking a glass of what I thought was water, but it turned out to be some horrible sickening, alcoholic drink that made me want to throw up. When I woke up I felt really sick and kept gagging at the thought of the horrible drink. The feeling lasted throughout the day. I think dreams can be very realistic sometimes, but nothing to be worried about. You'll probably feel better in a few days.

24-03-13, 20:42
when on fluoxtine 20mg i had vivd dreams . i dreamt a parrots head fell off into my bed. i had to get out of bed on pull covers off etc to check it wasnt real. its horrible. how your dreams stop soon

25-03-13, 21:45
thanks for your replies :) its really nice to know I'm not alone in this, the dreams are overwhelmingly real and it really scared me the next day, anxiety really does do strange things... i have plenty of weird dreams i could share, I've always had really vivid dreams lol

26-03-13, 07:22
i am having these dreams lately,and sometimes i dream of my symptoms too.And when i wale up i can feel my muscles are very tight and painful :(

26-03-13, 09:24
i've had dreams like this.... and similar stuff happening to other people in my dreams as well. although what we dream is all random, it can feel extremely realistic. i can appreciate why it would bother you as dreams can make you feel quite strange when you wake in the morning (& if you then think back to the dream you can again feel quite strong sensations). the best thing to do is to acknowledge how you felt but now to move on. it was a dream & you dont have to attach any significance to it. what plans have you for today? best to get stuck in and keep your mind busy.