View Full Version : Reducing escitalopram.....anyone any advise?

23-03-13, 22:39
Hi everyone
I have been on escitalopram for 4 years at 20mg per day. My GP wanted me to reduce this so did 15mg per day for a month and then tried 10mg but after 5 days had to ring GP to go back to 15mg as was miserable and felt I was slipping into depression again. Now I have moved back up to 20mg as I am very emotional, feel low and like I'm going through the motions of life not living, if this makes sence!!!
I am going to see the GP next Fri but feel that I have made a huge mistake by reducing them and wonder if anyone out there has come off these successfully or if there is side effects of long term use??? The way I feel is if I had a thyroid problem I'd be taking tablets long term, so why not anti-deppressants if I need them.
I would really welcome any advise before Friday....wish me luck
Chantelle. :ohmy:

24-03-13, 00:19
Hi Chantelle,
Sorry I don't know anything about escitalopram but I wish you lots of luck for your appointment. My advice would be to type reducing escitalopram into the search bar here and it will bring up related posts. If you read through them I am sure you will find something to help you :)

24-03-13, 09:14
I have never come off Escitalopram as this is my first time on it but I stopped Citalopram 3 times but always finished back on an AD after up to one year, so I'd ask your doctor to reconsider if you feel you really need the tablets. Good luck darl :)

25-03-13, 09:47
Thanks so much Bekzie and Karen, was on citalopram but after coming off it I was ok for about 6 months and then I was put on escitalopram.....find it much harder to wean off but went back up to 20mg and am starting to feel better....am stronger so will just explain to my GP that I can't do it at the minute.:shrug:

26-03-13, 10:29
Glad you are feeling a bit better after going back u, I never used to notice lowering ordinary Citalopram either as I used to get down to 10mg's a day once I felt completely well again and just stay on it until my doctor pulled me into his surgery and said time to come off it completely which I will never let a doctor do to me again as I always finish back up on meds. Good luck darl xx

31-03-13, 17:20
The GP thinks the meds have a placebo effect and I don't really need them but my body uses them as a crutch....anyone out there ever heard this and if so what do you do?

31-03-13, 21:34
Hi there. Maybe you are withdrawing too quickly? Maybe do 15 for couple of months? The key is doing it really slowly. Is it just your GP you see or do you have a psychiatrist? GP are not specialised so listen to your body x

01-04-13, 09:22
I really don't know darl...all I know is every time I have come off ad's I have been 100% well, not even given the pills a second thought at that point so def was never thinking I needed them like a crutch but after a few months I have always started to get ill again. I don't know if being pregnant ten years ago caused a chemical imbalance which is when I first started with anxiety or if it's because I have been in an unhappy marriage for that time but I am on Escitalopram now and even when I feel like I don't need them any longer I am reluctant this time to come off them if it means ending up having to feel terrible again and start up yet again. Only you know how you truly feel and if you can go pill free. I did decrease from 40mg to only 10 of Normal Cit and stayed on that 3 years last time before coming off totally on my gp's recommendation but I really wish I had stayed on it as just taking that low dose once I was stable again just kept me on an even keel and I really don't think it was just placebo.

20-04-13, 11:19
I have been suffering from racing thoughts and tension for a four weeks now.....does anyone know when this will improve