View Full Version : Can someone help me?!?

24-03-13, 02:49
Here's my story:

For about a month I was getting a tingling in my right ankle, it would come and go throughout the day. I can't remember when it stopped but about a month after it stopped, whenever I would lay down to go to sleep I would get a weird feeling in my right foot. This happened for about a week until one morning I woke up and it was still there and it was also in my right lower leg. Then a couple hours later it was in my left lower leg as well. With in 24 hours I was having a really weird symptom in my legs, arms, back, and stomach. Whenever I would get touched or rubbed against something I would get a tingling/buzzing feeling in those spots. I started panicking of course and went to a dr. I went to two GP's and a physiatrist. I had two clinical exams, blood work, an EMG, and a nerve conduction test. All came back normal and the drs told me it was stress/anxiety related.

My symptom has improved to where I don't feel it much anymore throughout the day, but I wake up in the middle of the night and my legs and arms, and sometimes my stomach are tingling/buzzing when I touch them against my bed.

I've also had:
Frequent urination
Feeling off balance
Random tingling all over body
Pins and needles in hands
Patches of numbness in legs
A feeling of numbness in my feet when I layed down

My fear is MS and it has been since day 1, so I know that the symptoms I just listed are all created by my anxiety bc they come and go depending on which one I am focusing on that day. These symptoms I know are created by myself, but the one I still get is the tingling/buzzing when touched.

I'm really nervous that I have MS. I do know that it gets worse when I'm stressed out, if I have a stressful day, anything that puts pressure on my skin will cause the feeling. I was having a conversation with a friend about my Mother in law and my tingling/buzzing was very bad bc the conversation was making me very angry. But I know that stress can cause your MS symptoms to heighten.

I've been getting these feelings for two months now. I still have not gone probably more then 20 minutes without thinking about it, would that continue to make my symptom stay?

Can anyone help me!?!?

24-03-13, 04:19
I would say read this: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=42556

then work through this module: http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

and then see how you feel. Your doctor isn't worried and neither should you be, but I totally understand because I've been through the same fears for similar reasons! At the end of the day, the thing that is causing you the most distress right now is your fear, not the sensations you are having, so it's the fear that needs to be treated. Hugs, it's freakin horrible huh!