View Full Version : is this normal for 6wks

24-03-13, 05:52
hi all
im 6wks into fluoxetine tomorrow, and just wondering if the side affects should have subsided by now?
The ones that are still bothering me are-
tiredness through the day have to fight so hard not to nap
morning jitteryness and nausea
im wakeing up between 4am-5am every morning even though i wake a couple of times through night.
when i wake i get the tingling sensation down my arms and back like the adrenaline is flowing but it doesnt go into a panic/anxiety attack no more.
still having negative what if thoughts.

any info would be great as everyones posts have been so helpful

thank you x

24-03-13, 12:04
Hi Leenalou,

Everything you describe at 6weeks is normal.
Sleep takes a long time to settle again. I'm at nearly 12 weeks n only just sleeping near normal. I still feel very tired certain days too n from following other posts on here it seems a common complaint. Just wondered what you are doing to counteract your thoughts? I have had the adrenaline feeling once this week so it's still poss a few weeks on. I still have bouts of nausea but I've linked that to my anxiety now. If you are checking the threads on here you should find some comfort n support there. Good luck n stick with it x x

24-03-13, 12:54
I have been on them 6 weeks too tomorrow and I am still very tired every day. I also wake up about 4-5 am every morning and then toss and turn until I get up. You would think if we are shattered through the day we would sleep like logs at night. I also still have nausea every day and little appetite and loose bowels.

24-03-13, 13:24
hi oncewassupergirl and zippy

thanks for the replies
the 4-5am wake up call sucks, i had sleep problems week 1-2 then they settled down but now seem to have started again week 5-6
the threads on here are brilliant getting so much advice and help
i think the worse time for me is when i wake up rest of day im pretty much relaxed enough to do what needs to be done if i can get through the tiredness.

i started cbt last week so i am trying to use what i was told there to stop the what ifs and negative thinking i know its early days and i have to be patient i just look forward to the time i get a good nights sleep and wake up feeling good about myself and life x