View Full Version : Seizure anxiety

24-03-13, 06:02
I have epilepsy. I have many simple partial seizures every day, but have only had one tonic clonic. That was almost ten years ago and I haven't had a big one since. Since I am medicated the simple partials don't really effect me that much, at the most they make me light headed or give me a headache. But I am always so terrified of going into a seizure, a big one. I get dizzy spells and disoriented and sometimes it feels like I can't move (I can move, it's just hard to explain). I never black out or anything. But I am obsessed with sleep and if I get less than 8 hours I freak out because I know lack of sleep can trigger seizures. I know this is a common health fear but if I haven't had one in ten years, I should be okay right? I'm going on a road trip with my boyfriend in may and I am absolutely terrified I won't get good enough sleep and have a seizure. Anyone else dealing with this?

24-03-13, 08:37
/hi hempchick.

I don't have epilepsy, but I've had a seizure before after taking some medication. It was so out of the blue and scary (in a cinema) I've had panic attacks about it happening again. Do you have a plan for what to do if you have a seizure? does your boyfriend know? It would be so unlikely to have one if you haven't in ten years. just ensure you have a plan for all eventualities and I'm sure you will be fine.

have a great trip!


24-03-13, 12:25
Hempchick, you probably know epilepsy and anxiety often go hand in hand. Is it possible you need a medication review with a view to eradicating the simple partials?

Also, are you familiar with the Coping With Epilepsy forum? Great place for advice from other people who have E xx

PS, if you haven't had a TC for 10 years there is no reason to expect you suddenly will. Getting enough sleep is obviously a big thing but you should try to find a balance between making sure you get enough and not worrying so much about it. x