View Full Version : Bristol Meet-up. It happened!

24-03-13, 12:04
Three of us met yesterday and had a really nice chat over coffee. It would be great to get more people involved and keep this going. Does anyone have any suggestions for the next date?


24-03-13, 12:32
I live in Bath in term time so I could come to a Bristol meetup next time. That's really nice you were able to meet up with people!

24-03-13, 18:26
Waiting in the agreed meeting place, I was five minutes early, so brought myself a coffee and considered leaving before the meet up. As soon as the first person walked in, I felt much better and enjoyed some good conversations with other people with the same problems.
I would like to meet up again. Maybe one evening, as a few people could not make Saturdays.

25-03-13, 13:40
Was great to meet up with everyone! So sorry we were half hour late, bloomin' Gloucester Rd traffic! Hopefully see everyone soon before I become a married woman :-D definitely did me some real good to meet other anxiety sufferers!

MrsStobe13 xx

27-03-13, 08:59
I'm so please you enjoyed meeting up. Well done all of you, next time will be easier!

27-03-13, 09:34

04-04-13, 00:20
Great that you guys met up! I've been looking for a group to meet up with for a while now but I live in South Wales and havent had much luck as of yet. I'd be interested in meeting up with you guys next time though if I'm feeling okay enough on the day to get a train to Bristol. It sounds like you all had a lovely time :)

18-04-13, 13:47
I would be happy to meet up again as a group.

19-04-13, 20:58
I'd be keen but only got 3r of May free now then not about til 8th June!

20-04-13, 08:37
It would be really nice to meet up again. Shall we do the evening of the 3rd May? x

20-04-13, 19:49
I'm free that evening too but would have to leave around 9.

How about meeting in Cabot circus? It's usually fairly quiet in the evening.

20-04-13, 19:56
I would come but can't do evenings as I cycle to Bristol to see granddad over weekend. Still organising a Bath meet up sometime if anyone wanted to come to that as well :) xx

21-04-13, 22:55
the 3rd of may is ok but where would you meet

22-04-13, 02:48
Would love to come but don't know Cabot at all!

MrsStobe13 x

07-05-13, 18:31
Bit short notice but does anyone want to meet this weekend? i can do anytime on Fri, Sat or Sun. How about meeting at Harbourside since its quite open and the weather's nice? If thats too busy for some people then I'm happy to meet anywhere central x

07-05-13, 21:36
I will be in Bristol this weekend visiting granddad, can I come along :)
Let me know what day if so.

08-05-13, 09:57
Cool, Sat or Sun is probably best for me x

08-05-13, 11:31
I wouldn't be able to make your meet this weekend guys but would love to come another time! I live near - ish to Cardiff and could catch the train :)

08-05-13, 20:16
Pancho - are you ok with meeting up if it's just the two of us? It's fine with me but I understand if it would make you feel a bit awkward :)

Hanj - it would be great to have you along next time x

08-05-13, 23:53
I'm not sure if I can come either lol! It depends on how easily I can get about bristol on my bike as I'm planning to cycle there from Bath and the map looks complicated. I think if nobody else can come this time it may not be worth it as you could end up in a cafe on your own if my tires puncture :blush:

09-05-13, 08:51
Perhaps its a good idea to reschedule! How about two weeks time?

Enjoy the Bath-Bristol cycle route, I've done it once, or twice if you count having to come back the same way :)


10-05-13, 01:47
2 weeks is no good for me, won't be about until after 1st June now. I become a Mrs next Friday!

MrsStobe13 x

10-05-13, 09:22
I hope you enjoy your day Mrs Stobe13 !!!

How are people fixed in the week to meet up, if weekends are tricky?

10-05-13, 09:44
It will have to be another time for me, heading back to Cornwall next week. Have fun xx

15-05-13, 22:41
please let me know when you are meeting i work some weekends but if i know fat enough in advance i may be able to get day off

04-06-13, 01:23
I'm back and not a "to be" anymore :-D

Anyday is good for me from here on though I'm in the midst of getting us all sorted post wedding so updates may be far and few between this week!

MrsS (was-to-be!)

25-06-13, 18:08
I'm also interested in the next Bristol meet. x

27-06-13, 08:39
sounds like we could have a ferw more this time around, which would be great.

02-07-13, 19:02
When is the next meet then?

05-07-13, 16:43
good question???

08-07-13, 09:39
how about a sunday? I'm free 14th or 28th or can be free most other times

08-07-13, 16:40
I can make sunday the 28th of July