View Full Version : Panicking about antibiotics side effects

24-03-13, 12:37

Does anyone else get really anxious and panicky when they're taking antibiotics? I have just been prescribed a weeks worth for a throat infection and I can't help looking at all the side effects and convincing myself that I've got them/will get them. The worst ones are operatic heart rate and swelling of the throat causing difficulty breathing. I convince myself ill get them so I'm over anxious all the time (which is obviously not helping, especially with the heart rate).

I just wish I didn't do this all the time I have antibiotics cos its driving me insane. I've only taken one so far and already I'm anxious, sweaty palms, panicky, lump in throat, fast heart rate etc. I can't stop worrying about the side effects.

I think it stemmed back to when I had a bad reaction to an antibiotic and nearly had to call an ambulance because I thought I was going to have a heart attack it panicked me that much.

Does anyone have any tips to help me not to obsess over this please? :(

24-03-13, 18:35
I don't really have any tips but just wanted to say I'm the same. For some ridiculous reason I am always scared to death whenever I have to have anti-biotics. I've no idea why?!

I had to have some last year when I got an infection in my fingernail last year. As in the skin round the nail went bright green! It was a situation where I absolutely had to have them.

All I'd say is that you'll probably know pretty quickly if they are going to cause a reaction and for most people they don't. If you've had one and are ok then this is really good, sounds like these ones might be ok for you :) I suppose you just have to think that you do need them to clear up the infection and once you've beaten that you'll know which type of anti-biotics are fine for you.