View Full Version : Panicking about antibiotics side effects!

24-03-13, 12:38

Does anyone else get really anxious and panicky when they're taking antibiotics? I have just been prescribed a weeks worth for a throat infection and I can't help looking at all the side effects and convincing myself that I've got them/will get them. The worst ones are operatic heart rate and swelling of the throat causing difficulty breathing. I convince myself ill get them so I'm over anxious all the time (which is obviously not helping, especially with the heart rate).

I just wish I didn't do this all the time I have antibiotics cos its driving me insane. I've only taken one so far and already I'm anxious, sweaty palms, panicky, lump in throat, fast heart rate etc. I can't stop worrying about the side effects.

I think it stemmed back to when I had a bad reaction to an antibiotic and nearly had to call an ambulance because I thought I was going to have a heart attack it panicked me that much.

Does anyone have any tips to help me not to obsess over this please? :(

I have posted this in another forum but I really need help please.

24-03-13, 12:50
Hi Fizzle,
I am the same with every medicine,even herbal remedies. I obsess over side effects.
The only bit of advice I can give you is to just remember that the medical companies put worst case rare scenarios on the product info to cover their own backs, no matter how rare the side effects are. If the doctor thought they would harm you he would not have given them to you. I never read the side effects bit now because it worries me to much.
You will be fine :hugs:

24-03-13, 13:06
Hi Fizzle,
I am the same with every medicine,even herbal remedies. I obsess over side effects.
The only bit of advice I can give you is to just remember that the medical companies put worst case rare scenarios on the product info to cover their own backs, no matter how rare the side effects are. If the doctor thought they would harm you he would not have given them to you. I never read the side effects bit now because it worries me to much.
You will be fine :hugs:

Thank you :)

I try not to read the side effects but I just can't help myself :(

24-03-13, 13:10
Fizzle, I know its hard not to read them, I have to force myself. My new trick is to give the leaflet to my son straight away and he hides it from me so I cant read it :D