View Full Version : Super glue! im so silly

24-03-13, 19:48
So i just accidentally touched something that had just been covered in super glue. This is the sort of super glue thats very strong not children's or anything.
I didnt realize it was glue at first and had a big sniff and it was very strong! then i realized what i had just gone and washed my hands with boiling water, too late my hands are now covered in dried glue i have about 4 fingers that have glue on them.

Im so scared that I have harmed myself from 1)sniffing and 2) now i have this glue on my fingers and everything i now touch is effected im scared its going to flake off and i somehow get some in my mouth and it poisons me. this is how my mind works now due to health anxiety.

Am i being stupid? can the glue thats on my fingers harm me?
my dinner was waiting for me as this incident happened and whilst eating all i could think about is it going in my mouth :( someone help!

24-03-13, 19:52
You'll be just fine! Do you have some nail polish remover? That will get it off. I get strong super glue on my fingers all the time because I do crafts. You will be fine!

24-03-13, 19:54
Thank you lilharry, I only have acetone free nail polish remover is this ok?
Is the glue you use strong? mine has warning signs all over it, im so silly the way my brain works is stupid! im hearing having panic attacks over this lol

24-03-13, 19:59
I have done the same myself :( It won't harm you but it feels awful when it is stuck on your fingers. It is the acetone in the nail polish remover that removes it so I don't think acetone free will work. You wouldn't get enough in your mouth to harm you so don't worry about that. My fingers where covered in it as I dropped what I was gluing and caught it but the glue ended up all over my hands. Just try to scrub some off with soap and a nail brush.

24-03-13, 20:00
Yep! It's the strong stuff with heaps of warnings! Hmm, not sure about the nail polish remover, but you could also soak it in warm soapy water and gently peel it off - that's what my glue says. And don't worry about sniffing it either. You're ok! People use this stuff to glue their nails when they break them!

24-03-13, 20:08
I use superglue in work all the time, and always get it on my hands. It isn't dangerous as long as you don't go drinking bottles of it. Let it dry, and then use warm soapy water to get it off, something like the rough side of a dish sponge is quite good as well.

One of the first uses of superglue was actually on wounds of soldiers to stem bleeding until they could get them to field hospitals, so getting it on your skin isn't anything to worry about.

24-03-13, 20:32
You guys are life savers <3

Thanks im gonna stop panicking now! il try the soapy water and see what happens :)
i feel so silly for even posting this but once again thanks a million!


24-03-13, 20:35
Don't feel silly...I panicked a bit the first time it happened to me but it has happened loads since then as my naughty cats keep breaking ornaments and I was always super gluing them together (the ornaments not the cats all though that thought has crossed my mind!). Most of my ornaments are now blu tacked down!