View Full Version : Is holding down/staying in a job an issue with anxiety?

25-03-13, 08:27
I noticed something about myself, and I now believe it could be another aspect of my anxiety. I wanted to know other peoples opinions about it.

Do you find it hard to stay in the same job, or do you change jobs often?

Looking back, I have realised I have changed jobs MANY times, and I know that in the majority of my jobs, I have found myself feeling anxious about many aspects of it.... In fact, I admit much of my anxiety gets triggered in the workplace....

I feel I go in a job for a while, find myself feeling unhappy/anxious, convince myself I could cope better in another, different job, and then leave and start a new one, only to find myself in the same situation AGAIN.

Is this just me, and my personal pattern, or do you think it might have anything to do with anxiety/low moods/coping mechanisms?
It it quite a common issue with people who have things like anxiety/depression etc?

25-03-13, 09:05
I noticed something about myself, and I now believe it could be another aspect of my anxiety. I wanted to know other peoples opinions about it.

Do you find it hard to stay in the same job, or do you change jobs often?

Looking back, I have realised I have changed jobs MANY times, and I know that in the majority of my jobs, I have found myself feeling anxious about many aspects of it.... In fact, I admit much of my anxiety gets triggered in the workplace....

I feel I go in a job for a while, find myself feeling unhappy/anxious, convince myself I could cope better in another, different job, and then leave and start a new one, only to find myself in the same situation AGAIN.

Is this just me, and my personal pattern, or do you think it might have anything to do with anxiety/low moods/coping mechanisms?
It it quite a common issue with people who have things like anxiety/depression etc?

I think it's a coping mechanism. We're all between a rock and a hard place. Do we stick in a job for fear of change or start a new job in hope that inherently causes fear (change)!

However i think it's a problem encountered by everyone, anxiety sufferer or not. We're all involved in the rat race, in seeking salvation in external things (which is impossible). Personally over the last year i've changed my views and believe at some point we have to turn inward and challenge the internal conditioning to which we have all succumbed.

25-03-13, 10:11
I found it hard to stay in a job in 2011 when I literally went off the walls but recently I have managed to keep down a job but it does ruin my anxiety. That's not because I am working, that is because of the job I'm in and I need to look for a new job. If I didn't work I'd be at home all day every day going mad with boredom and loneliness.

25-03-13, 12:12
Personally a lot of my anxiety comes from work and being able to cope with tasks I need to do within my job role. I've been in my current post 6 yrs and have at times had severe anxiety due to changes and or more pressure. The job is a totally different to when I first started and kind of evolved into a post I probably wouldn't accept if i were to be looking for another job. It can be very pressurised and your always multitasking which is stressful enough as it is. On top of that I become very anxious about my colleague leaving as he is my only support if I struggle with a certain job and the only person in the workplace I can turn to for help (not with my anxiety, but actually having the knowledge to do the task or to troublshoot). I try to relax and not worry about these things, but sometimes the anxiety can become overwhelming and I end up losing the plot :wacko:

Very tough sometimes and having to last out for 7.5 hrs a day with anxiety on top of the stress of a normal day you end up exhausted - only to get up and do the same for another 4 days running....:weep:

Talking to my therapist, they have said I have a fear of not being able to cope which we are going to look into further - but might be an underlying fear which causes you to get anxious and move posts frequently ???

25-03-13, 12:27
I know much of my anxiety is caused by work, in the sense that I had a traumatic event happen in a workplace a few years back, and ever since, I go into work always expecting something bad to happen, or worrying I will make a mistake, or accidentally hurt somebody, or do something wrong.... Carrying those worries in my head whilst trying to concentrate and work is just exhausting. Of course some days are better than others, but most of my bad anxiety generally is associated with work.

With some things that cause anxiety, you may be able to avoid it... such as being afraid of going into a lift, or hating travelling, but with something like work, which I HAVE TO DO, (can't afford not to!) it is a struggle I just have to keep facing again, and again, and again.....

25-03-13, 12:47
To be honest, I think I've had the opposite thing with work, as generally it gives me something else to think about other than anxiety. I'm much worse if I have nothing to do.

25-03-13, 13:19
You have to ask yourself whether the job is overly stressful (in which case it is reasonable to look for another job), or whether it is a normal job, and your anxiety is blowing it up into a monster.

If that's the case, you need to work on your anxiety. Constantly changing jobs will only provide short-term relief.

25-03-13, 13:33
Hanshan - I'd say that my anxiety blows things up out of proportion.

The other day, I came home from work almost in a blind panic, after having convinced myself I'd made a mistake, and my anxiety made me think that I would be in deep trouble, that someone would be hurt because of me, that I'd end up being fired from my job, and nobody would trust me again. And you know what? Nothing was wrong, nothing had happened, I'd made no mistake, yet I was panicking, out of breath, rapid heart beat and unable to sit still all night long because my thoughts were so bad....My husband said he'd never seen me like that before. It was at that point I decided I needed to do something more than CBT. It's why I'm having to pay for private counselling, and also I started medication today.

I have to look inwards, even though it's working that makes my life hard. I have to face it. It's definitely me who needs to change things, or I fear I will just carry my issues to another job....

25-03-13, 16:52
I noticed something about myself, and I now believe it could be another aspect of my anxiety. I wanted to know other peoples opinions about it.

Do you find it hard to stay in the same job, or do you change jobs often?

Looking back, I have realised I have changed jobs MANY times, and I know that in the majority of my jobs, I have found myself feeling anxious about many aspects of it.... In fact, I admit much of my anxiety gets triggered in the workplace....

I feel I go in a job for a while, find myself feeling unhappy/anxious, convince myself I could cope better in another, different job, and then leave and start a new one, only to find myself in the same situation AGAIN.

Is this just me, and my personal pattern, or do you think it might have anything to do with anxiety/low moods/coping mechanisms?
It it quite a common issue with people who have things like anxiety/depression etc?

I defintely KNOW EXACTLY what you mean I have left so many jobs because of anxiety and depression mainly due to being unable to work with other people, is that why you leave jobs??? Feel free to pm me about this, stephen

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------

I found it hard to stay in a job in 2011 when I literally went off the walls but recently I have managed to keep down a job but it does ruin my anxiety. That's not because I am working, that is because of the job I'm in and I need to look for a new job. If I didn't work I'd be at home all day every day going mad with boredom and loneliness.

I really identify with that phrase in pink - it describes how my anxiety and depression came about, i have been pushing and pushing myself into the same type of job one after another forcing myself into the workplace to make up for my poor result at university, trying to compensate for that failure. I still can't get over it no matter how hard i try - but i need to let the past go, just let it go, you know even just typing it is helping

25-03-13, 17:15
Ahhh yep! Ruined my career as a science teacher. Worked tirelessly hard a young mum and heaps of family stuff....... So it's a yes from me!

25-03-13, 18:37
I find work makes my anxiety worse in a couple of ways. Firstly, because when I'm at work I am away from my home which is "safe" and I feel scared that something bad may happen.

Secondly, cos I work in a large dept with a lot of people and there are quite a few bad apples. The atmosphere is really negative.

I need a new job but like you say it's scary because it's the unknown. I suppose u have to look at the bigger picture - in my case I've been in my job about 5 years and it's getting to me so its making me more miserable and this isn't good.

I'm planning on moving house at the moment tho so the job thing will have to wait for now.

26-03-13, 06:04
Hi Haunted,

One thing's for certain. You must have talents and capabilities that impress employers if you have been able to move between jobs easily.

It might be an idea to talk with your supervisor (if you think that person is supportive) and share some of your concerns. Most likely your supervisor will tell you that they are more than happy with your performance. Probably most people at your workplace are completely unaware of the turmoil you are going through.

I hope the private counselling and the medication work out. Give them some time to have a noticeable effect.

Take care.

27-03-13, 17:16
I am exactly the same as this.
I get into a job and for the first few months it's fine, then I start getting very anxious - usually about colleagues so want to move on and see if it's better elsewhere :(