View Full Version : Dizziness etc.

25-03-13, 09:49
I had vertigo, pressure in left side of my head,left side earache,headache, foggy head etc that started in November. This kicked off my healthy anxiety. The vertigo eased after a month but I was still getting pressure, headaches,nausea, loose bowels, no appetite etc. I saw an ent specialist last month who thought I had had bppv, I thought he would have sent me for an mri but he said I didn't need one. I was worried about a brain tumour but my gp did neuro tests and they were ok and he wasn't worried. He eventually referred me for a ct scan which I had last Friday. He's also referred me to a gastroenterologist.
On Thursday when I got up from laying down my head went dizzy again and on friday when I got up from the ct scan I went all dizzy. Yesterday I had earache again in my left ear and my head went dizzy again when I lay down or get up and my left nostril was blocked all night. The left side of my head feels odd and like I can't think straight. I can't understand how it went for weeks and now it's back.

25-03-13, 14:08
Hi zippy, this sounds similar to what I've been through with vertigo. The brain fog was really annoying, but you just have to try and accept it.

Brain tumours are really rare, it's much more likely to be a simple answer. Many people have these problems without a tumor.

It's much more likely that you simply have something going on in your ear or even your sinuses. If the dizziness has come back then it's time to talk to your doctor again. What did the ENT say to you at the time about the BPPV, did he give you any medication or tell you how to manage it?

25-03-13, 14:43
The ent didn't say anything really just that he thought I had had bppv that had resolved.
My head is horrendous but I had a brain ct scan last Friday but haven't had results yet. I am sick of waiting for all the appointments and tests etc. I am seeing a gastroenterologist next month and an immunologist.
Everyone thinks its anxiety but I know it's not, how can pressure, foggy head, dizziness, vertigo etc go for a month and then come back. I feel awful most days and I feel it's my brain fog that makes me depressed and anxious. It's like I can't help it and my brain is heavy and cloudy and when it's clearer I am happier and I can think rationally.

25-03-13, 14:46
If it was a tumour then it wouldn't go away, it would be constant and get worse as the condition develops. So the fact that it went away and came back should give you some reassurance that its nothing sinister. :)

25-03-13, 14:56
I know what you mean taffy it would just get worse and worse. I have just had that many symptoms in the last 4 months. It started with vertigo, headaches, pressure in head and me thinking brain tumour and then when my gp referred me for a scan I started with diarrhoea, nausea, no appetite, night sweats, fatigue etc. gp did my bloods and my liver function was high so I worried it was my liver but I had a scan and it was ok. Now the head symptoms are back and I sometimes feel its my head that's making me feel really fatigued too because my eyes feel tired and head feels heavy and tired. It's an overwhelming fatigue in my head.

25-03-13, 16:58
I understand how you feel but everything you have just described sound like typical symptoms of anxiety. I've had them all at some point and quite often all at once! :wacko:

25-03-13, 17:09
Zippy I would go back to your doctor and ask them about it again if it is giving you so much trouble. My problem is an inner ear one, and it causes that brain fog as well as many other symptoms. It can also cause anxiety, you'll often find that inner ear problems and anxiety go hand in hand.

You can ask them about vestibular rehabilitation therapy which is usually done by a physiotherapist, they can test your balance to see where your problem is and can give you exercises to help with it.

25-03-13, 17:24
Thanks honeylove. I feel the ent specialist didn't really do anything even though I told him I was still dizzy when I got up off the bed in his office. I thought he would have done more tests after you wait months for the appointment.
I am seeing my gp this week for my ct scan results so I am going to tell him about it again.

07-04-13, 21:58
Hi zippy

I haven't been in here for a while but in sept 2012 I suffered a horrendous attack of vertigo that lasted for a while and left me frequently dizzy and lightheaded. I began escitalopram in oct 2012 and felt much better. Until last Friday. I went to bed and woke up in the early hours of the morning with vertigo again. So I had been free of it for a good 3 or 4 months and now it's back.

I'm convinced it's ms or signs of an impending stroke or a brain tumour. The HA is back with a vengeance as well. I completely understand how you feel because I can't get how it went away then came back.

Hope you're feeling better now.
