View Full Version : Pulsatile tinnitus...help

25-03-13, 11:20
Ive had this whooshing blood flow noise in the ear for months now...especially when waking in the morning. Ive had anxiety GAD for years now and it comes and goes with intensity. I also have high level hearing loss left ear. Is pulsatile tinitus related to Anxiety, has anyone else had this thing for months? PLease reply as its becoming worrying. Thanks

25-03-13, 11:30
I had this and noticed that the more anxious I got the worse the noise got. As my anxiety has got better it has gone.

25-03-13, 13:43
I've had this for years, never really had it investigated but am seeing an ENT later this year so will ask about it then. It comes and goes, I don't notice that it's connected to anxiety in particular, but that might just be me.

Tinnitus and anxiety are definitely linked, I don't think they know exactly how anxiety can cause this problem but they know that it does. Maybe it's to do with tension and pressure in the body from stress?

It would be worth talking to your doctor about perhaps? They can rule out any problems for you :)

26-03-13, 21:12
thanks for the replies. It does seam to come and go like most aspects of health anxiety. Always good to get peoples input on the subject for other people to respond to if they are suffering the same symptoms. Mine definately is worse when i awake and doesnt bother me through the day.....just the wooshing sound...have taken it on board youve had yours for over a year so cant be anything to bad ;) Anyone else having this problem comments sould be welcome x

26-03-13, 21:22
I just replied to your PM :D