View Full Version : Petrified, REM while semi-awake, scared of brain tumour

25-03-13, 12:00
Please help if you have been through this :(

Yesterday morning, I was conscious of what was happening but must have been half asleep. My eyes were open and were jerking all over the place, or my vision was flickering like mad, one of the two. I know I mustn't have been fully awake or I would have MAJOR freaked out.

I'm totally freaking out in case it was a seizure and I have a tumour. It happened once before when I was having a level 1 crash C section. My spinal hadn't worked properly, so I was doing the surgery on gas and air, and was falling asleep/trying to pass out from the pain but was also fighting it. I had this same sensation and kept saying, Am I dying, did I have a seizure but I hadn't, according to hubby and the doctors.

When this happened yesterday, I forgot about it most of the day but when I remembered, I totally panicked. Is this just a tired thing where I have woken up enough to fully gain control of my eyes?

I should note with the worry about the brain tumour/seizure, I haven't been waking up from headaches or feeling nauseous in the morning til today but that is from fear and crying.