View Full Version : How do I stop doing this and to the ones I love

25-03-13, 12:52
I suffer from bad anxiety and depression but I have been on 40mg citalopram for a while. I do believe this medication has helped me so much and it has helped me to start living a normal life , whatever normal is. However , I do still have anxiety but it's only a problem when I go out to a club with my fiancé and some friends which to be honest is very rare , maybe once every three months. When I get anxious I do tend to drink a lot and I really do mean ALOT ! Its always the case of me waking up with everyone mad at me because I was either violent , abusive , angry or done something to annoy everyone. It happens almost every time when we go out but it's a confusing situation because I don't see myself as an alcoholic , I don't drink everyday or week. I drink like this because I feel it really does help with my health problems but I can't be dealing with the paranoia and guilt anymore I'm too old for it , I'm 27. It's extremely hard because I ain't going to lie I do love to drink when I am drinking and I just like the way it makes me feel , but only at the time of drinking. So how can I get if I don't have a bigger problem then an everyday drinker would ? If you say 'go to the doctors' what exactly will they do ? Thanks

25-03-13, 13:23
I would say avoid the situations that make you feel anxious and self conscious for a while, just until you get a better handle on your anxiety. You don't have to go to club's, go out for a meal instead. Try talking this over with your girlfriend, explain that you can only tolerate certain situations if you drink - to excess, as it is the only way you can feel relaxed.

I hope she understands.x

25-03-13, 13:40
I tend to agree with the above comment - if there are really specific triggers to your anxiety, avoid it as much as possible, whilst explaining to your girlfriend why you need to avoid it. I'm sure she would much rather you didn't go clubbing than put yourself through that stress....Perhaps go out for one drink and then leave early, or just have a meal with them and go home when they go onto the club after.

I know you won't want to avoid going out for a drink FOREVER, but if you at least do it less whilst you're dealing with anxiety issues, you may find better coping mechanisms. You might find ways to deal with your anxiety so that you can have one or two drinks instead of lots, and then you can stay sober and enjoy the evening with those around you.