View Full Version : Lump on wrist anyone else....

25-03-13, 12:57
So doing my usual prodding and noticed a lump on my wrist :huh: :weep:

I googled and nine it may be a cyst. It's where the face of a watch would be and when I bend my hand forward it sticks out?


25-03-13, 13:05
Is it not a ganglion cyst? My friend has one on her foot and her gp said they were nothing to worry about and hers is quite big.

25-03-13, 13:12
I think is could be but if course ha has me thinking the worst. I've never had a lump, I've had bumps ive thought were lumps but this is a proper lump

25-03-13, 13:14
My friends on her foot is massive and her gp said you can leave them if they aren't bothering you or get them drained but she said it might just fill up again.

25-03-13, 13:17
Think ill have o go docs and hope it is just this. Thank you for replying

25-03-13, 13:22
i've had a ganglion on my wrist since i was a kid, its been the same size & never hurts. in fact i just had to look twice as i couldnt find it! they're harmless but of course if they're in a place that causes irritation then they can be dealt with pretty easlily i believe.

25-03-13, 13:25
Thank you it doesn't hurt at all

25-03-13, 13:47
My gran and sister get those ganglion lumps in their wrists, and I have all kinds of lumps in my thighs too. My doc says they're just cysts and nothing to worry about unless they get too big or painful. She said that generally if a lump feels soft or squishy, and moves about a bit between your fingers, that it's usually a cyst and nothing to worry about.

On the other side of things, why were you prodding yourself? lol

It's a bad idea to go looking for problems and Googling symptoms, maybe take a look at how you're viewing your body! x

25-03-13, 13:50
when i first discovered mine (like when i was in my teens) i quite liked playing with it. i felt special for having something none of my brothers did! it was sort of my little friend. i didnt have any friends or feel particularly special so this odd thing I had was actually quite desirable. these days i completely forget its there (it is pretty small....) but it always makes me smile when i think about it.... so, you made me smile with your post!

25-03-13, 13:53
Tessar your pst made me smile :)

Honey I need to stop poking around dont I lol

I can't help it though I'm constantly checking myself

Im doing my own head in, big time

25-03-13, 14:01
We are all our own worst enemies tessar, we all struggle with that here.

When I find myself looking for problems I make an effort to stop myself, it's not easy but it gets easier.

I struggle with Googling too, but I'm really working now to stop doing it, to just accept what my doctor says and stop scaring myself. It's just not worth the extra stress.

25-03-13, 14:12
i'm glad my post made you smile sparkle.
Now stop poking it & that's an order!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nicked::nicked::nicked::nicked: :nicked::nicked:

25-03-13, 16:58
Lol yes def own worst enemy

---------- Post added at 16:58 ---------- Previous post was at 16:12 ----------

Also just to add mine is not soft it's quite hard

25-03-13, 18:55
Once upon a time they used to say to whack a ganglion with a copy of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica! Always thought it sounded a bit drastic!

25-03-13, 20:02
Once upon a time they used to say to whack a ganglion with a copy of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica! Always thought it sounded a bit drastic!
they say not to do this anymore as it can just damage the area around it more i have one on my right wrist and the only time it bothers me is if i have had to have a cannular drip thing my doctor offerd to ddrain it but said it will probaly just fill up again and that i can go away on its own and come back
frosty x

25-03-13, 20:07
That sounds really painful and knowing my luck I'd break my wrist doing that... Ouch

25-03-13, 20:08
I knew they used to squidge them but didn't want to suggest it in case anyone had a go!!!!

25-03-13, 20:47
Lol no stupid enough to dr google but not reached madness of battering myself with a bible ad google suggested. Instead I booked a drs app, though still freaking out as I really don't like it :mad:

25-03-13, 21:08

Does this thread sound like what you've got:



26-03-13, 07:41
Yep but I've been reading there more on the soft side and this is pretty hard x