View Full Version : I am so scared

14-09-06, 20:37
Firstly admins I am sorry for a new post I know you want us to keep them to a minimum but I am so worried.

I have not been too bad lately panic wise but I have been extremely stressed because of the house situation and I've not been sleeping very well so my emotions have been up and down, actually I've been so stressed, my period was late so I had PMT for about two weeks until last week, it was a nightmare.

When I am stressed, I comfort eat, and yesterday at work I ate six chocolate bars. I am extremely sensitive to the effects of caffeine so I know that this was a ridiculously stupid thing to do, but at the moment, sorting my weight out really is not top of my priorities, when we have moved house and I feel settled I am sure that I will be in the right frame of mind to sort it out, but at the moment I am not.

Yesterday evening before bed, I felt full of adrenalin but I was also tired at the same time (go figure that one out lol), but I went to sleep, only to wake up about 1am this morning feeling like I was about to lose my mind, I have never felt so full of adrenalin in my life, I was shaking, sweating and I had a very urgent need to use the loo, which I did several times during the time I was awake. I tried going back to sleep but couldnt' so was awake for hours, sitting there with the adrenalin pumping round my body. In the end, I did get to sleep but only for about two hours, so I phoned in sick this morning as I was too exhausted to go to work (I am exhausted in general at the moment as we have spent all year under a lot of stress with the delayed house sale/buying and have not been able to make any holiday plans so have not actually had a break this year).

So I spent the morning and early afternoon 'trying' to relax (not easy when I've got my mum breathing down my neck about my poor diet being the cause of my problems). Anyway, she went to work so I sat and watched TV for a bit and began to feel a bit better.
I was just sitting there when I suddenly went REALLY dizzy and honestly thought my time was up and I was going to pass out, or worse. It lasted for a good four or so seconds, and scared me witless. This was early this afternoon, and afterwards my legs were shaking and weak, I was so shocked by it. Since that happened, I have developed a headache (not a severe one, just a dull annoying one), maybe the dizzy spell earlier was just the start of the headache?? But I've been googling 'brain tumours' as I am honestly so scared.

Sorry to go on, but it seems so random at the moment, I've not had the 'full of adrenalin' thing for ages now (well over a month), but it just hit me last night, and then the dizzy thing this afternoon scared me so much, I've not been dizzy like that before in my life it was awful, I thought I was going to die.

I am so fed up of this, I know that I will feel better once Dave and I have moved in together, as the house situation has been a big stress.
Actually, the house Dave is selling completes tomorrow and he has gone down there (portsmouth) tonight with his Dad, to move the stuff out tomorrow, and brning it back up here, and put it into storage until we move into our new house together (wont be until mid next- month until things at that end of the chain are sorted).

Sorry for moaning I realise I sound like a broken record but I just need reassurance

Julia xxx

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

14-09-06, 20:48
its just the stress and adrenalin catching up with you hun, dont let it worry you, hopefully once you settle like you say you will relax more, moving is one of the biggest stress factors there is, i think you are doing well, being dizzy is just the adrenalin also, just do some deep breathing if this happens, i know its scary and you freak out, but try to stop googling it will only add to your anxieties, im sure you are just fine.
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

14-09-06, 20:49
Hi Julia -
You don't have to apologise for posting. We are still here to support each other after all :)
I am so sorry you are having a rough time of it right now.
If you are still having a bad time, you can always go into chat and get some support there too :)
Hope you feel better real soon!!!

14-09-06, 21:20
hi julia i,m sorry that you feel so rough today.i too have just made a new post as i had a really lightheaded/dizzy turn earlier and i too felt like my legs were like jelly so i know how you feel(it,s horrible isn,t it?????)i can,t really offer you any real advice but just remember that you are not alone
take care rachel x

14-09-06, 21:27
Hi Julia

Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad. They say moving is one of the most stressful things for a person... and thats one without anxiety!

Just look forward to settling in your new home. Its such a good feeling. The dizziness probably is the adrenaline. It has so many effects on your body. I was bad last week, and had so many extra symptoms. I did some slow gentle exercise which I remembered from pilates, just to try and use up some of the excess energy I had. Sometimes getting proper exercise is too difficult, but if you can try to do something at home it seems to reduce the effects of adrenaline which only make you panic more.

Hope you feel better soon.
